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New It was a great day for Joe.
There is no arguing that it wasn't a Great Super-Thursday Tuesday for Joe and his sister wife. But I worry that it doesn't bode well for November. If you thought you'd heard something about "Hillary's Emails!!!ONE!" just wait for the onslaught of "BURSIMA!!!HUNTER BIDEN!!!!ONE111!!!!".

It's mourning in America again.
New They're going to make up shit and repeat it endlessly no matter who it is

New Biden will at least make them work for it
Sanders will just let them go "Socialism! Socialism! Socialism!" >repeat to fade
New Afraid you have that backwards
Expect a steady drip out of the Senate "investigation" into his fanmily's affairs. Biden will need to expend an extraordinary amount of time and resources countering that.

Except for stalwart Democrats, his campaign has little to vote *for* for those who fell for Trump's sham promise of bringing their jobs back. Back to Obama policies means back to a steady economic decline for most everyone having to work to make a living. "Build on the ACA"? The ACA is dead in the water. Good luck winning voters over campaigning on bringing back the individual mandate.
     Signage - (rcareaga) - (5)
         well we got 1 delegate only 1018 to go! -NT - (boxley)
         It was a great day for Joe. - (mmoffitt) - (3)
             They're going to make up shit and repeat it endlessly no matter who it is -NT - (drook)
             Biden will at least make them work for it - (pwhysall) - (1)
                 Afraid you have that backwards - (scoenye)

A user complaining that Facebook doesn't work well is like a cow complaining that the slaughterhouse doesn't work well.
35 ms