But as passenger seat size has *already* been shrunk to the point where "normal" (average, median, RMS - pick your fav) people are Spam in a Can too, for hours, breathing inadequately exchanged air, (sprinkled and concentrated with whatever bugs a random carrier happened to bring along):
As Alex points out - those who barely fit.. now 'spill over'. I have experienced that too; makes an already marginally-bearable excuse for "human transportation" - finally reminiscent of boxcars enroute to colorful destinations in the '30s. Don't snile... smarl.
I see nothing even conceptually wrong with providing for the now: ^$(%$^ NORMAL range of human sizes in *Our* overfed, me-me-me obsessed culture: after all THESE ARE the people being solicited for this 'product'. Surely you wouldn't carry the homogenization of products to the level of, no accommodation of variety at all?
So I see the problem as about unimaginitive anal-retentive bean counters (again: surprise) - who do not see their 'product' as being: the serving of human customers, but the merchandising of product/tickets.
A simple 2x4-assisted spinal adjustment might cause the normal-IQ marketers (80-87?) to Understand what the phrase, 'variety of human shapes' might mean. In the interim: yes, they Could.. reserve the 6 special larger seats for those whose avoirdupois Needs them; as plane fills, others could enjoy the rare human-sized room by the usual Murican means..
Fight Over Them. Discreetly.
who believes that airlines possess all the imagination and sentience of Dubya + a peculiarly virulent strain of knownothing-ness. We should not dignify this thoughtlessness via stupid Econ theories about 'objects' and spreadsheets.
PS - I'm neither Large nor Long - and I find airline seats of past few years: inexcusable. I may not use one again, for a long while. (But at least - I don't Have To either)