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New Predictions
1. DJT will win in November, because the Democrats are as incompetent as Corbyn-era Labour
2. It will not be noticeably worse as a result (nor better, irrespective of what the Trump-fellators may have you believe) mainly because the fucker just posts on twitter and plays golf for a solid 50% of the time
3. That's because all them chickens will come home to roost way after he's dead
New Disagree.
Focus too much on the clown show and you miss the real damage his administration is doing. Just take a gander at one Betsy DeVos for example. There are tons of others who aren't on the teevee news everyday that are doing real and lasting damage. So, it will be much worse when (and here I agree with you because, well, Americans are that fucking stupid) he wins re-election.

It's mourning in America again.
New *Recognition*.. over the next precious months determines everything here..
As Mike points out: the ∑-Destruction is unprecedented; all depends upon the Demo-Pols acquiring expertise in demonstrating a very-long list of What has been Broken, step-by-step via the countless lies, the self-serving duplicity [go for the $$$-scams all along; it's what Drump's entire Bio personifies: revealed] ..as to his, base-nastiness, "Let's You and Him Fight as I hold your coats: leave-wallet-in-pocket" viciousness--that will be hardest to promulgate (without just sounding like Him).

I demur that there's no counter-strategy to be run with, aka The Futchah.. Lies --> Ahead. Barely 9-mos of a future.
If all that we come up with is re-runs of pabulum-epithets: well then.. the dis-US shall deserve their destruction ... but the dominoes would fall all over: everyone on the planet needs this mega-dastard to Exit with-extreme-prejudice. That's a Lot of emotional Energy to get-behind and in front-of.

It's still a fucking coin-toss.. That's where 'Murican Shamelessness, perfidy deserves lengthy penance: in Coventry Purgatory. It will be a long time before any sane person 'trusts' the dis-USA's carefully tended myth of Goodness.
New Re: *Recognition*.. over the next precious months determines everything here..
>> "...carefully tended myth of Goodness."

Well, some people don't think so:


Many long-ish reviews, here's a snippet from the first one:

"... I did not love it. In fact, I disliked the book in many ways. At the same time, I could not put it down."

Fascinating read, I recommend it.
New never read a book where they are afraid to put out a synopsis
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of the experts" – Richard Feynman
all depends upon the Demo-Pols acquiring expertise in demonstrating a very-long list of What has been Broken

Stop believing that if only you were able to tell the truth to more people they would suddenly agree with you and vote to support your preferred policy. That's not how people work. Telling everyone how badly the Republicans in general, and Trump in particular, have broken things absolutely WILL. NOT. WORK.

The people who voted for him wanted him to do that. Stop trying to tell people what he's up to as though they're too stupid to have seen it for themselves. That's not the problem.

New It's not the same 'THAT'.
All people need to hear the exact effects of what this crew has-done and is in process of doing: as affects most-all in his Base, along with the rest of us, The fact that he is a perpetual-Liar has presented alt-facts to all; clearly few? of his Base have copped to the wide difference between what they have heard and provable-Actions actually taken or in-the-works.

Without some clarity created anent the torrent of lies--and throughout his Rally-in-lieu of an Address--there WILL-be no change whatsoever, in the Base and in many others unsure about Why his continuing policies may well kill: First re Climate amongst the many other areas as affect the middle --> poorest. That this will be difficult to frame sans juvenile name-calling is just another Duh.

We're within a replay of Weimar; many lessons have been learned via those tens-of-millions dead; if you say that such histories (unfamiliar to many of his supporters) cannot be presented because ____? I'll punt. A failure to tackle this--not 'tissue'--but torrent of lies: means a fall-back to std. election-year doggerel, however polished and packaged for n-'demographics'.

If you think that truthiness-telling, fully referenced to corroborative evidence ..is today impossible? go ahead and inform all: just how/why any effort to voir dire [in Lawspeak] must fail. (These may all be fools' errands anyway, in the Face of #1) Planetary survival) as the first Terminal-tipping point ialready looms, in-view. Never mind the ∑-Lies except for this one. If a voting-WIn goes to the Denial-cults AND he's in office 4 more years? .. maybe measure in months.. ... [fill in your own predicate].

SInce we have just LOST the Impeachment process, its Constitutional use again--any time soon, if ever: there's another killer-bugaboo. In n-exchanges on the prospect, no one has yet come up with ~~"any practical scheme for determining? measuring?? the 'electability'" of the anti-Extinction candidates, thus to focus via-all-means-possible upon a One of these. As to the Primary + Demo-handling of everything: Iowa sends an awful Test of competence-on-Day-One of the Show. That most see the necessity of supporting whatever the luck-of-the-draw, that may be a lateral arabesque around the problem of 'Who?'. Sorta.

There has never been a Clusterfuck on so-Many-Scales, as we are left with the koan.. Mankind fails to comprehend Scale and Relativity.

New "as though they're too stupid to have seen it..." Point of Order. They *ARE* that stupid.
Exhibit One.

It's mourning in America again.
New Watch again ... pay particular attention to the last 3 words

New And the question?
"You do realize, don't you, that you are too stupid to comprehend that you are supporting the end of the functionality of the U.S. Constitution?"

Answer: the last three words.

That'd be fine, if and only if she and the rest of the morons in that clip would stay the FUCK home each and every election day. But they don't, do they? They don't care about government. They don't care about the evisceration of the US Education System. They don't care about the millions of Americans who have died because of a lack of access to healthcare. They don't care about corporations being allowed to dump toxins into streams again. They don't care about the top 1% having more than the bottom 90%. They don't care about the climate crisis. They don't care about our recent embracing of murderous dictators around the world and our rejection of some of our oldest allies. They don't care that their president is dumb enough to claim (and apparently believe) that sound from wind turbines causes cancer. They don't care about any of that. They don't care about anything more than answering the only two questions that ever occur to them: (1) When can I eat next? and (2) When can I have sex next?

Again, that'd be fine, if and only if she and the rest of the morons in that clip would stay the FUCK home each and every election day.

But you, here, are putting forth a vapid argument. "They're not stupid, they just don't care." BULLSHIT. You cannot have watched that video in its entirety and come to any other conclusion but that these Trumpsters are stupid, not just ignorant, but stupid beyond measure. That short clip is replete with evidence of that simple fact.

It's mourning in America again.
New alas.. 'Stupid..' IS a grade-school epithet too-oft conflated with ignorance ..as can be addressed.
But peeping the Body-language, the pig-iggerant Non-ripostes cuts it por moi. It's a pandemic of unpaid-extras from Deliverance et alia.

Ignorance compounds, evokes anger, frustration and non-communication everywhen. But
tl;dr The Stupid.. it Burns!! is as brief as I can get.
New Misinformed and incurious
Is that the same as stupid? It works out the same in many circumstances. And certainly some of them are.

But the leaders of that group aren't stupid. They know what's happening and either don't care, or actively want it.

New Serendipity Strikes: on SciFri (!) re the core of these communications ... today
Science Friday TGIF!

How Tech Can Make Us More—And Less—Empathetic

A transfeminine non-binary person and transmasculine gender-nonconforming person looking at a phone with upset expressions
Credit: Zackary Drucker/Gender Spectrum Collection

Much of technology was built on the promise of connecting people across the world, fostering a sense of community. But as much as technology gives us, it also may be taking away one of the things that makes us most human—empathy. When we hunker down in front of screens and behind usernames we reduce our capacity to understand someone else’s perspective.

Journalist Kaitlin Ugolick Phillips, author of the new book The Future of Feeling, joins Ira to talk about whether technology has doomed us to live in a society without empathy, or whether it can actually help fix the problem it creates.

Plus, is it ever really possible to “walk in someone else’s shoes?” Courtney Cogburn, an associate professor of social work at Columbia University, is working to find that out. She joins Ira to talk about a VR experiment designed to help you feel what it’s like to live the life of someone else.

Read an excerpt from Phillips’ new book, The Future Of Feeling.

The Book blurb (and how to order) provides a bit more er, granularity--also too: a word known only-to *cough* the Tech-ept
(is that recursive; get Brownie Points?) NOOO..? [you Meanies!]

Carrion. Methinks that absence-of-Empathy [the very-Core of the *DJT-Menace as it IS who-he-IS] ..just may be on the same Scale/aka, As Dire re Extinction 'prospects' as The Broiling Denouement, since:
it is a higher barrier to Learn! How to communicate-extremely-well than it is--to Use the Techno to start collecting Carbon by all means imaginable: each one of us here could spawn n-cockamamie+brilliant approaches to that, in 5 min.

(Drew might well have the best chances amongst us?) of emulating the style of Interviewer in Mike's link to full-screen Idiocyinaction, I wot. But wtf do I know-ferShure..

* PS: al-punte LeeringRPD chimes in: 'ow do you know 'e's a king? Love. It.
Expand Edited by Ashton Feb. 7, 2020, 04:56:58 PM EST
     What dreams may come - (rcareaga) - (21)
         Seconded verbatim, of course. Incitatus: earns at least the laurel leaves ..great Theater :-þ - (Ashton)
         It could be worse. - (mmoffitt) - (3)
             Rubio's piece is about as good as pure-sophistry+logic can do.. with/to Language - (Ashton)
             OTOH, Britain is still superior to the US. - (mmoffitt) - (1)
                 Quite a lovely Q.E.D., innit? (UK may be hornswoggle-able by Prof-liar Pols), for a time - (Ashton)
         Predictions - (pwhysall) - (12)
             Disagree. - (mmoffitt)
             *Recognition*.. over the next precious months determines everything here.. - (Ashton) - (10)
                 Re: *Recognition*.. over the next precious months determines everything here.. - (dmcarls) - (1)
                     never read a book where they are afraid to put out a synopsis -NT - (boxley)
                 STOP THAT! - (drook) - (7)
                     It's not the same 'THAT'. - (Ashton)
                     "as though they're too stupid to have seen it..." Point of Order. They *ARE* that stupid. - (mmoffitt) - (5)
                         Watch again ... pay particular attention to the last 3 words -NT - (drook) - (4)
                             And the question? - (mmoffitt) - (2)
                                 alas.. 'Stupid..' IS a grade-school epithet too-oft conflated with ignorance ..as can be addressed. - (Ashton)
                                 Misinformed and incurious - (drook)
                             Serendipity Strikes: on SciFri (!) re the core of these communications ... today - (Ashton)
         Next target: Amendment #22 -NT - (scoenye) - (2)
             sad, I had to look it up and you may be correct -NT - (boxley)
             Were 3/4th of States to ratify we'd already be in Hospice, just awaiting the form-of implosion. - (Ashton)

Two words: meat helmet.
175 ms