Your point was: "Look, she's lying now, just like she was then!" But the point is, she wasn't "lying" then (just misinformed), so that doesn't support your thesis that she must be lying now. Honestly, what the fuck is wrong with you: Are you too stupid to keep track of what point you're making, or just so stupid you think we are too stupid to keep track of what point you're making?
Also: I don't think that word means what you (or Matt Taibbi) think it means. I can very well conceive of Bernie saying -- and thinking -- exactly that. If you (and Taibbi) can't, that says less about Bernie and more about your (and Taibbi's) powers of conception.
Also: I don't think that word means what you (or Matt Taibbi) think it means. I can very well conceive of Bernie saying -- and thinking -- exactly that. If you (and Taibbi) can't, that says less about Bernie and more about your (and Taibbi's) powers of conception.