I set up our home Wifi pasword decades ago. It was in ASCII, but somewhere along the line it ended up getting changed to the "equivalent" hexadecimal. It was thus a bazillion characters to enter, but it was fine.
Over the holidays, J's sister visited us for a few days and set up her new Samsung phone to use it as she has with previous phones and laptops over the years. Wifi password - type in a bazillion characters. No wifi connection. Look for typos. None. Try typing it in again... No connection.
In the past we never paid attention to whether the letters were upper case or not. Try the other case... Success!!
At least it only took a few minutes to fix! She had visions of something being wrong with the phone...
Over the holidays, J's sister visited us for a few days and set up her new Samsung phone to use it as she has with previous phones and laptops over the years. Wifi password - type in a bazillion characters. No wifi connection. Look for typos. None. Try typing it in again... No connection.
In the past we never paid attention to whether the letters were upper case or not. Try the other case... Success!!
At least it only took a few minutes to fix! She had visions of something being wrong with the phone...