successfully sans breakage?

Methinks we need--for all the reasons mentioned--personal-wheels --> Indefinitely. Make these of lightweight materials (even carbon fibre as mass-demand drops costs). F=MA. Still.. lighter conveyance, fewer batteries needed etc.; make them two-tier for a start ..maybe three:
A) for the commuter-grade daily jaunt, mainly.
B) [Opt] more batteries thus diminishing return on lightness BUT with 200+ mileage/charge--proliferation of charging stations (+ good book to read at layover) you could do the long junkets.
C) [with Huge annual Fed. tax] for the G-force junkies: 0-60 in 1.666 secs and like that.

Problem solved. Just elect moi Dictator for liff (mine would be shorter thence)--someone would sniperate moi when I banned their personal-Humvee and '70 Buick Riviera, etc.

See? Nothing is ever {really-simple} but tha above ain't so complexificated as many approaches already out there.

As Conslutant: moi works for a mere $500/hr on ...turning-cars-into-safe-eggs. And you become ... (that's a yoke, Son).
