The only "partisan process" here was the Republicans distorting reality. They all betrayed the oaths they took to enter the House. Hell, one of them was directly involved in the conduct he was allegedly investigating (Nunes) and your boys McConnell and Graham have explicitly stated that they are not even "going to pretend to be impartial" because Trump is a Republican. Only one side was guilty of being a bunch of partisan hacks and that persists to this day. Tulsi, like her fellow RWNJ's, is towing the same line and spewing the same sort of false equivalence. I suppose we shouldn't be surprised that someone who had great things to say about Assad would happily take propaganda orders from Putin, but if you really can't see this bitch for what she is I genuinely feel sorry for you.
I'm looking forward to her next career at Fox News or Breitbart. At least then she'll finally get her snout out of the public trough.
I'm looking forward to her next career at Fox News or Breitbart. At least then she'll finally get her snout out of the public trough.