Post #431,460
10/28/19 9:08:50 AM
10/28/19 9:08:50 AM

Ashton update (so far, so good)
I spoke to him yesterday, and unlike two years ago, his cottage is thus far outside the mandatory evacuation zone, although well within the electrical interdict zone. He had taken the precaution of topping up his devices with juice and his bathtub (wells, electricity) with water. The spousette and I were en route to a meeting at the time, walking along Lake Merritt, and at points Ashton and I had difficulty hearing one another because the winds in Oakland were so loud and violent. Anyway, he seemed his usual cheerful self, and assured us that he is prepared to scoop up the kitties and an overnight back pronto should the directive come to get the hell out of Dodge.
“April is the cruelest month…” “Mr. Eliot? Will you accept a long-distance call from California? October would like a word.”
Post #431,462
10/28/19 9:20:41 AM
10/28/19 9:20:41 AM

My best to him and his felines if you get a chance.
bcnu, Mikem
It's mourning in America again.
Post #431,463
10/28/19 12:06:08 PM
10/28/19 12:06:08 PM

I'm glad Ashton's ok, at least for now.
No, not that I'm glad just for now, but that he's OK for now.
Things are different where I live. The winds are off most of the time and on now and then, but there are constant calls by the automatic warning system. I got one at 1:00 am when there was no wind whatsoever, not even a breeze.
I'm pretty confident the utility companies are making this situation as annoying as possible, to make people as angry as possible, so they can get immunity from liability in exchange for keeping the power on.
Post #431,466
10/29/19 9:13:13 AM
10/29/19 9:13:13 AM

Good. Appreciate it. Please relay my good wishes at the earliest opportunity.
Post #431,475
10/30/19 6:46:01 PM
10/30/19 6:46:01 PM

Crossing fingers for Ashton.
"There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that "my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge."
-- Isaac Asimov
Post #431,498
11/1/19 7:42:06 PM
11/1/19 7:42:06 PM

Thanks, each for the kind words ..mighta influenced the space-spark-vortex?, just ..enough.
(Physics ain't much help when the zeitgeist is clearly mocking a particular deranged human). Something else must be in charge of the er, 'adiabatic'-goings-0n.
Luck was: being S. of the conflagration, where only a diabolical arabesque by the Wind-god could flip the odds. Annoyance? trying to read fine print by candlelight /to save the primary-cells of the {Ugh-bad design} of the transistorized CFL-lantern. Anyone in the Evac: Maybe?/maybe-not Zones had mondo lists of aggravations, as I learned via n- local FM radio stations (they networked across all sorts of meeja--nicely). Moi had a land-line + pristine early-'80s phone/no transistors--a relic everyone should cadge, in areas where POTS (plain old telephone service) still exists. Cheaply--if yer old enough :-)
The ones suffering worst/now and near future are--you guessed it--those with lowest incomes, the Ones who save Muricans from having to do the shittiest jobs and of the wrong Colour. This while most-any FEMA$ goes --> to middle-income non-POCs. (These may even make the $List next, depending only on: each one throwing a series of 7s/sans snake-eyes.) Our Gpv. gots Cuth ..but then there's the Banksters.
Hang-in There, me Droogies ;^>
Post #431,506
11/2/19 11:39:49 AM
11/2/19 11:39:49 AM

Glad to hear it!
Regards, -scott Welcome to Rivendell, Mr. Anderson.
Post #431,511
11/2/19 3:23:27 PM
11/2/19 3:23:27 PM

Moi too! ..when this-level Corporate-greed/iggerance goes repetitive.. a few Buy More Gunz:-/ moi ponders Solar + Tesla-batteries == Fuck You, Armani-Suits! (My energy-use is minimal, but the inverter needs to have 220 also too: The Well-pump!) Then I'll be good-to-go 'lectric carz get on Used market, as the new ones gots more gadgetry..
aka: Sayonara O solidly-designed Vigor, built on same assembly-line as the (NSX, was it?) by fastidious Japanese ..wearing white gloves. :-)