IWETHEY v. 0.3.0 | TODO
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Welcome to IWETHEY!

New GAAAAAaaaaaaaaaa!!!!
Sunday afternoon, after over 30 years of daily service, the 12 inch industrial heat sealing unit that lives in my kitchen FAILED!

Today, I had several cooking projects going, and it was AWFUL! I had no way to reseal opened packages, no way to package anything. I've got at least 15 items waiting to be sealed or resealed.

I use that thing 10 to 20 times a day, sometimes more, with a big roll of shrink film, a stack of 2-mil poly bags, and the plastic bags just about everything comes in today.

Sunday evening I ordered a new one from ULINE. It shipped early this morning and will be delivered tomorrow.

ULINE has everything a shipping or packaging department could want, short of fork lifts and robots - and they are well aware that when a business orders packaging and shipping tools or supplies, they needed it yesterday.
New Well, the new sealer came in Tuesday morning . . .
. . and was operational within minutes.

I did a page for it which is now up on the Clovegarden site.

Bag Sealer.
New +1 for shipping-Techno; next: the [---]s: The Surveillance State©®™. Shall Techno folk==>Targets?
     GAAAAAaaaaaaaaaa!!!! - (Andrew Grygus) - (2)
         Well, the new sealer came in Tuesday morning . . . - (Andrew Grygus) - (1)
             +1 for shipping-Techno; next: the [---]s: The Surveillance State©®™. Shall Techno folk==>Targets? -NT - (Ashton)

A McFrankenstein creation of various elements not utilized by the home cook.
32 ms