dichotomy between (say) Basic Capitalism 101A and.. a Nation with a large group (yet still a minority, and a declining one) who Want:

Risk-free cradle-to-grave 'Security' AND - the ability to consume endlessly: whatever is thought up by Marketing, 24/7. Each will argue about what is "enough" - when in fact our habits indicate that: More... never IS.. Enough.

Do you see any fundamental disconnect between our Bizness Religion and our Personal Belief in the 'Right' to - effortless and unlimited Abundance, even and mostly.. for: distractions and toys (well beyond! any idea of food-shelter-clothing (in er cold sections, that is = otherwise even #3 Could-be.. optional))


(Throw in the Fact: The grail of Unlimited Growth (via which the Biz Fantasy is fed) == Cancer: our Cosmic Lesson not yet learned or even, noticed?) Deadly things, those exponential functions . . .

