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New 2013 was not that long ago

The rule requires first officers โ€” also known as co-pilots โ€” to hold an Airline Transport Pilot (ATP) certificate, requiring 1,500 hours total time as a pilot. Previously, first officers were required to have only a commercial pilot certificate, which requires 250 hours of flight time.
New I wonder.
I wonder how that lines up with the non-military atp school graduates taking over the commercial airline pilot population?

It's mourning in America again.
New Dupe-d
Expand Edited by Ashton Sept. 26, 2019, 02:24:42 PM EDT
New Thus: no longer can the 'Chops' be awarded via mere hours-$invested,
but a metric {ought to be} established as: measures, best as possible.. the Quality of the applicant's Tutorial-inculcation (and much harder: an evaluation of just how This-person's performance in other tests: can demonstrate his/her mental acuity within some carefully crafted Simulator exercises "in extremis" ..and like that.

{sigh} You could apply that hoary standard to All Applicants for some 'Presidency', I wot--but not in this kultur--I also wot. Still: when some corrupt-from-cradle carnival barker Passes All [these not-yet Tests] and runs rampant for n-years all un-Stopped: why are we even talking about "Standards" at all?

Rest case.

aka Sit at emergency exit door Row: with your very own *parachute snugly at your feet ..masquerading as on-board-Carrion, eh?

* 'Course this escape presumes an emergency occurs auch that plane is [now] ~15K feet alt. and the craft has been slowed considerably below cruise, etc. (don included helmet with plexi-face shield) while assuming exit-position of body, thence kissing-ass-Goodbye--for a charm--if that Seat is forward of an engine, just sayin.. :-รพ
New Not very, but I can think of a few reasons.
That change in particular makes it harder for non-military fliers to qualify. The main factor appears to be a reduction in the availability of military pilots (the big reduction in overall numbers following the collapse of the USSR, compounded by longer commitments to service,) followed by an expansion of civilian operations. And then there outsourcing large portions of domestic operations to barely minimum wage paying regional carriers which started in the '90s as well.

There is an interesting data at https://www.nap.edu/read/5433/chapter/5#56

(via http://answers.google.com/answers/threadview/id/3427.html)
     Mike: a nearly-โˆ‘ history of MAX on NYT - (Ashton) - (7)
         Thanks. Bookmarked. - (mmoffitt) - (6)
             Thanks. A fine clue-by-four even for those of us marginally-ept; it's getting Weirder than evah.. - (Ashton)
             2013 was not that long ago - (scoenye) - (4)
                 I wonder. - (mmoffitt) - (3)
                     Dupe-d -NT - (Ashton)
                     Thus: no longer can the 'Chops' be awarded via mere hours-$invested, - (Ashton)
                     Not very, but I can think of a few reasons. - (scoenye)

And there was much rejoicing... yayyyyy.
80 ms