At least One.. and c o u n t i n g . . . per NewYorker

The New Yorker Radio Hour
Marianne Williamson Would Like to Clarify

Marianne Williamson is running for President, and she wants to clear up a few things about her campaign, which is grounded on an appeal to better not our policies but our souls. Alondra Nelson, a professor of sociology at Columbia University, and The New Yorker’s Joshua Rothman explore how new rules requiring affirmative consent aim to change how we behave sexually. And meet a teen-age climate striker on a bench where she spends her Fridays protesting.

So then.. 1 / 329, 553, 501 [thirty seconds ago] is one small step for a 'Murican-girl; one giant-leap! for a Sleeping Giant.
(I'd Lurve to be able to Vote-in Ms. Williamson) ..but in Failed States vast tribes are not ready for self-government, All must converge
upon merely, The Least-worst of whatever new-Icon CAN?? Get the Menace's Goat [despite Diebold™, $$$ and rampant-dumbth], Right?

I'd Lurve to be able to Vote-in Ms. Williamson) ..but when--as in Failed States--vast tribes are not ready for self-government, All must converge upon--> merely, The Least-worst of whatever new-Icon CAN?? Get the Menace's Goat [despite Diebold™, $$$ and rampant-dumbth], Right?