Set (plus flashbacks) at end of WW-II, onward. She's an Activist .. before that (or memes) were memes in most vocabularies.
Theme, besides their mutual zaniness: HUAC, the Hollywood Ten thus First Amendment demonstrations in D.C.

(You never can prove-a-negative like projection) but I'd like to think this a not-so-subtle (and in-the-Public Service) reminder via local KQED, of:
just how Suckered-In Were those (beginnings of post-WW II Ć’eare-driven 'Murican-ism-via-anti-Communism', well into absurdity-like-Now).

Loved. It. Because CBSNBC et al wouldn't do likewise... (maybe ever again?)
Award: two noses, an ear + epaulets.
(Agit-prop is vector-neutral), I wot :-)