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New Heh.
Nobody knows. It's too early.

Nancy at WaMo:

Where that 67 percent of voters land will determine the outcome of the primary. The number of possiblities at this point are so numerous that it is impossible to predict the most likely nominee. While Biden and Sanders have an advantage, given that they have a group of supporters who are primarily loyal to them, that is to be expected given their long political histories and name recognition.

The first debate will take place in a little over two weeks and will provide some indication of whether the four that are planned for 2019 will have an impact on Democrats who are considering multiple candidates. After that, we can rest assured that the early caucuses and primaries will begin to consolidate support. In that case, ground game—particularly in Iowa—will be an important factor, making reports like this worth watching.

I like Warren, but given the calendar (California being so early), Harris may (may!) be the one to beat.

OTOH, Ben LaBolt says Democrats are Doomed!!11:

Ben LaBolt served as the national press secretary for President Obama’s 2012 campaign and as part of the team that implemented the reelection strategy beginning in 2011. He is alarmed that President Trump is replicating Obama’s successes.

The Democratic Party is focused on choosing a nominee from about 24 options, while the Republicans are working under the assumption that Trump will be their nominee again in 2020. This frees the GOP to raise money for the general election and focus on the states and districts that they believe will decide the outcome. For LaBolt, this is the same kind of advantage that Obama utilized in his reelection bid, and it’s giving Trump an early leg-up that may prove impossible to overcome.


We'll see.

New Im in the 67%
so far
kamala out
biden meh
bernie same meh as biden
warren thumbs up
buttie thumbs up
corey booker? wait and see
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of the experts" – Richard Feynman
New Re: Heh.
Poll of top 6 Dems vs Trump.

If the election were held today, former Vice President Joe Biden would beat Trump by a margin of 53 to 40%, while Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders would beat Trump 51 to 40% and California Sen. Kamala Harris would come out ahead of Trump by 49 to 41%.

For now, Biden has the best odds of beating Trump. Pairing up with Kamela would be my choice to get the best turnout.

But, it's early in the cycle.

"There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that "my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge."

-- Isaac Asimov
     Critique of Joe's chances ..via Piketty's massive data-cache, other observations from a Pro - (Ashton) - (5)
         Nay, nay. This time will be different! Ask Scott. -NT - (mmoffitt) - (4)
             Hey..! we Needs his balance, else it'd be all-Chopin + muffled-drums (but at least ..no guitars). -NT - (Ashton)
             Heh. - (Another Scott) - (2)
                 Im in the 67% - (boxley)
                 Re: Heh. - (a6l6e6x)

If you don't know, then I'm not allowed to tell you.
36 ms