Post #429,009
5/15/19 9:48:00 AM
5/15/19 9:48:00 AM

I dont think recycling is working very well, the 3rd world companies dont want our garbage
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of the experts" – Richard Feynman
Post #429,010
5/15/19 10:01:38 AM
5/15/19 10:01:38 AM

It's becoming too expensive to recycle a lot of things
Buying fewer would be a start.
Regards, -scott Welcome to Rivendell, Mr. Anderson.
Post #429,011
5/15/19 10:07:18 AM
5/15/19 10:07:18 AM

yeah, I keep trying to recycle cars but the neighbors complain
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of the experts" – Richard Feynman
Post #429,023
5/16/19 2:44:09 AM
5/16/19 2:44:09 AM

That's the problem, right there.
Australia has a crisis of what to do with all the recyclable material we can't send to Asia. Numerous people have said repeatedly that we need to make local industry use the recyclable material because too much of the time it's just cheaper to use virgin material.
Post #429,025
5/16/19 3:45:11 AM
5/16/19 3:45:11 AM

Inertia.. re this + Climate, re dis-US (and OZ too?)
May be on the Homo-sap official Death Certificate, with note appended, ~~"Too busy buying new Stuff and watching Infotainment, to participate". Official Cause: fecklessness preceded by amnesia.
Ship Planet of Fools
Post #429,027
5/16/19 7:15:47 AM
5/16/19 7:15:47 AM

Time for deposits on bottles ... cans ... junk mail ... appliances ...
IOW internalize all that disposal cost that's currently externalized.
Post #429,032
5/16/19 2:11:58 PM
5/16/19 2:11:58 PM

Here in California we have significant deposits . . .
. . on all beverage cans and bottles, including beer but excepting wine and liquor.
We also have a sales tax on all devices with LED screens to pay for recycling them.
There is effort to place a similar sales tax on mattresses so a bounty can be paid for their collection. Some of our urban streets are lined with discarded mattresses. The mattress industry is lobbying against this tax, of course.
Disposal problems are increasing, because the public dumps have raised their fees very high, encouraging dumping by the roadside.
Large appliances are not a problem. Mexicans with pickup trucks patrol the streets looking for stuff of that sort to cash in. One of my clients is an appliance repair company. When they have scrap appliances, they just shove them out into the alley behind the shop and they're gone within hours.
Post #429,012
5/15/19 3:40:12 PM
5/15/19 3:40:12 PM

Yeah, because by definition recycling has to be done elsewhere.
Post #429,014
5/15/19 5:03:06 PM
5/15/19 5:03:06 PM

..only because we're willfully iggerant + bone-lazy to see that as Basic-responsibility.
Post #429,042
5/16/19 6:21:04 PM
5/16/19 6:21:04 PM

Phillipines are about to declare war on Canada over it
A Canuck company shipped 100+ containers of "plastic recyclables" in 2012. The contents were anything but recyclable. After years of wrangling trying to get the Canadians to take the garbage back, Duterte just pulled the ambassador. Can't say I disagree this time...