Post #428,866
5/8/19 5:17:54 PM
5/8/19 5:17:54 PM

Old GF threatened by a loonie
A former flame, who thirty years ago introduced me to the whole concept of “dog parks,” is the principal administrator of a Facebook group for habitués of the East Bay’s largest such facility, and has apparently got sideways with one of the visitors to the park and to the page (example, personal encounter at the park: “Blow me, Mary. You’re going to be very sorry you started this, Mary. You have no idea what’s about to happen to you. You have no idea how bad it’s going to be.”) The guy (sixty-four) is a complete loon. He is almost a living parody of the high school “Most Likely To Be a Mass Shooter” yearbook tag. Take a look at this (somewhat large, megabyte-wise) compilation of his FB page. My friend’s response in an email: We shall see. It’s interesting that some people act like I’m way over-reacting to this. But shit, man…the signs are ALL there. Way more signs than many massacres get. I can’t quite put my finger on what I feel about this. I’m much calmer than I would have thought. “Dread” is good. “Abject fear” is way too much. I feel sort of resigned, I guess. There’s really fuck-all I can do, mostly, except hope he gets distracted by something else. I hate it when these monsters stroll off a 4chan thread into meatworld, like demons emerging from a pentagram with a corner carelessly left unclosed. apprehensively,
Post #428,867
5/8/19 5:30:05 PM
5/8/19 5:30:05 PM

64? he should be drooling over porn not festering in a corner
surprised the dogs haven't caught onto him
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of the experts" – Richard Feynman
Post #428,868
5/8/19 5:50:03 PM
5/8/19 5:50:03 PM

“surprised the dogs haven't caught onto him”
His dogs are un-neutered (he regards castration as “maiming”) and are much given to attacking other dogs at the park (“socialization”). I’ve got a lot more background on this character. He’s a sociopath, and utterly dangerous. I fear for my friend.
Post #428,869
5/8/19 5:59:40 PM
5/8/19 5:59:40 PM

location of the park? (city and state not actual)
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of the experts" – Richard Feynman
Post #428,870
5/8/19 6:13:57 PM
5/8/19 6:13:57 PM

Re: location of the park?
Post #428,871
5/8/19 6:19:14 PM
5/8/19 6:19:14 PM

get him in the system anyway
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of the experts" – Richard Feynman
Post #428,874
5/8/19 8:58:48 PM
5/8/19 8:58:48 PM

+1. It's good California has a system like that - she should use it.
Post #428,875
5/9/19 1:13:29 AM
5/9/19 1:13:29 AM

Superb-find, Box!
Aside from Cops ..maybe web search for related, in some pertinent-Event: I was iggerant/[mea culpa that] that such an al-punte Org. existed (re CA == 'State' Org.) Did realize that re any Fed-thing, there's a bunch you could triage until One of these said, "O.K.--sounds as if this is Our meat--go. on".
Thanks for (a really General-) Heads-Up, slackers! :-)
Post #428,876
5/9/19 2:10:43 AM
5/9/19 2:10:43 AM

"Many people don't" -- probably because they mistakenly think...
...that the USA is a civilised country. You know, the kind where one doesn't have to be armed at all times to be able to walk about in safety. Idunno, maybe it's time for America to try to get on that newfangled bandwagon?
But good job linking to that site, BOx, great find!
-- Christian R. Conrad Same old username (as above), but now on, yeah, it redirects to the same old GMail... But just in case I ever want to change.)
Post #428,877
5/9/19 2:14:26 AM
5/9/19 2:14:26 AM

Best map of (N) Calif counties I've seen.
Mainly because I haven't specifically looked, I guess. But best I've serendipitously come across.
Question: So where's the Golden Gate; between SF and Alameda, or SF and Marin?
-- Christian R. Conrad Same old username (as above), but now on, yeah, it redirects to the same old GMail... But just in case I ever want to change.)
Post #428,879
5/9/19 3:43:24 AM
5/9/19 3:43:24 AM

The latter.
The former is locally called, the "San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge" ... except when you commute 50 mi or so and find self On It at peak hours ... and don't have a self-driving car, say. Then it's more colourful 'nick.
Post #428,880
5/9/19 4:58:11 AM
5/9/19 4:58:11 AM

Post #428,885
5/9/19 11:10:43 AM
5/9/19 11:10:43 AM

Interesting back story to the bridge: was occasionally a visionary, and some of his Imperial Decrees exhibited profound foresight. He issued instructions to form a League of Nations,[33] he explicitly forbade any form of conflict between religions or their sects, and he decreed the construction of a suspension bridge or tunnel connecting Oakland and San Francisco. His later decrees, however, became increasingly irritated at the lack of prompt obedience by the authorities:
WHEREAS, we issued our decree ordering the citizens of San Francisco and Oakland to appropriate funds for the survey of a suspension bridge from Oakland Point via Goat Island; also for a tunnel; and to ascertain which is the best project; and whereas the said citizens have hitherto neglected to notice our said decree; and whereas we are determined our authority shall be fully respected; now, therefore, we do hereby command the arrest by the army of both the Boards of City Fathers if they persist in neglecting our decrees.
Given under our royal hand and seal at San Francisco, this 17th day of September, 1872.[34]
Long after his death, similar structures were built in the form of the San Francisco–Oakland Bay Bridge[35] and the Transbay Tube,[34][36] and there have been campaigns to rename the bridge "The Emperor Norton Bridge".[37]
Regards, -scott Welcome to Rivendell, Mr. Anderson.
Post #428,894
5/9/19 3:54:05 PM
5/9/19 3:54:05 PM

Timely, but.. Thought this decree came--just Yesterday--from der Führer-in-Chief; was I misinformed?
I mean: re all the details.. (Army will protect me/the Basest-base all have gunz ... OBEY ME.
(Well some of this he's said earlier.) Actually constantly. ACTUALLY: the mofo is so Bat-shit-crazy that even the Bats have blackballed the sucker: all their caves are Off Limits, else: Death via Guano-suffocation. most folk keep focussing on their Tee Vee dials, searching for that Amusement, as rules-us-all/in-absentia. Are you amused? (I am.. periodically: as when someone Evul drowns in his wading pool (regularly filled via Jeroboams of Château Lafite '61.)
Post #428,882
5/9/19 8:34:52 AM
5/9/19 8:34:52 AM

That's a bit disquieting.
Recent soil testing of the entire landfill detected lead in specific, localized areas around the perimeter of the north side of the park (the portion of the park located across the Hoffman Channel bridge). That's certainly not helping. ;0(
bcnu, Mikem
It's mourning in America again.
Post #428,895
5/9/19 4:19:37 PM
5/9/19 4:19:37 PM

In the dis-US: when we set out to pollute..
We cover all the elements: the Bankers, the easily-pwned vote-machines, the air ... water and--not to be left out--we even pre-pollute where the doggie-poo might fall.
Now That's! *consistency! I wot. * per that scabrous Dictionary: "A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of small minds." ✓ ✓
JEEZ I Wish that .."that Other Shoe" would Drop ... this fucking Brain-Eater/Dementor ... 1) Hates Love thence, all living-things; 2) most of all, His-fucking-Self, seen in every grimace. 3) It's getting like.. tied to a chair/forced to listen to ISawMommyKissing*SantaClaus In. Perpetuity. * actually: His daughter,
330,666,000 victims and NO ONE can remove this Tick on the Asshole of all humanity??? What Wimps We Be/and that 'nick will be with us Next and Forever. Heil! Assholes--you-Deserve-this.