After decades of abusing vitamin takers as dupes and money wasters, the AMA has finally bowed to logic and suggests that adults take a multivitamin daily.
This semi-monopoly has in the past demanded govt. investigations of the vitamin industry (now the supplement industry) and even agitated for prosecution of those who said there was value in taking vitamins.
The facts have always been that the typical diet does not provide the RDA of vitamins and minerals but the medical geniuses blinded themselves to this reality.
The other side claimed that greed and a desire to control the 'health' process was the reason why the doctor lobby was anti-vitamin. Wouldn't surprise me.
I began taking vitamins over 30 years ago (and minerals, a day's supply of calcium and magnesium can't be squeezed into any pill you or I might care to swallow). The arguments of the vitamin folks were always clear and logical -- the food we eat does not supply the nutrition we need and they told us to look at plants (agriculture books are full of the effects of vitamin and mineral deficiencies in plants). Meanwhile the AMA came across like 'Mr Natural' saying that only a 'natural' diet (composed of processed foods and additives) could do the job.
It never made sense and now we will watch them back down in further stages.