There’s one other Steven Careaga
(my first* name), a fireman in Washington state, but so far as I’ve been able to determine, I’m the only “Rand Careaga.”
*why did my parents name me “Steven” without divulging the fact to me until I was five or six, if they always intended to use the middle name? Hell if I know. My best guess is that the alliteration with my elder brother’s first name was appealing. Between 1960 and 1962, I attended a school that was adamant about using my first name (“it says so right here”), and after some ineffectual resistance I meekly submitted. Fast-forward to the end of the decade, my senior year in high school (and many neighborhoods, many schools later, so no social continuity to speak of), and I am introduced at a party to a chum’s girlfriend Robin, who looks awfully familiar. Could this be Robin [Smith], after whom I had yearned shyly all through fourth grade? This being established, I exclaimed “Robin! It’s me, Rand, from Miss Knox’s class at Knollwood!” She looked blankly at me. “Wait, I’ll come in again. It’s me, Steven!” “Oh,” she said after a moment, and turned to speak to someone else.