Oh Ye'unses of teensy-Faith!
I mean.. there's at least a 0.0000001%-*Chance that, an arranged decimation of this Over-homo-sap-populated current shit-hole.. is in progress.
I mean, further: should there be some *ineffable-Truthiness behind the Cosmos? (quite cleansed of gullible-sapiens' tawdry Wishfulness)--and it's invention of Gawds who look-just-like-Us--along with most of the Stuff which drives-the-greed:
Today's irritations are merely part of the Final-cleanup of a feckless species, thence its Replacement via some triumph of ~full-Consciousness. Say.
aka * never misunderestimate the Power of even the teensiest of er, mathematical-Probabilities? eh.
..but what do I know. [at least: I have whipped that Certainty-fantasy ..close-enough?]