The gloria resides [only..] within the human jelloware du jour on down to a/any! One. The mundi operates upon Rulez we barely ever glimpsed and many will acknowledge that, just maybe our febrile brains haven't remotely the capability even to to glimpse the Cosmos all about (let alone grok any semblance of a [Reality] behind all the pizzazz and light shows)! Are we then, little more that a re-recordable DVD afloat on a sea of changing sensory inputs? Pick a simile Any simile, but choose Door #3 Or Else

Mckibben book being hawked: Falter: Has the human game begun to *play itself out? (Interviewed on Democ. Now, npr, other venues)
In musical groups this phrase has always reminded of the Haydn Symphony wherein the musicians walk out, section by section; forgot which is the last one playing. (So it wasn't the trumpet..)

Apropos, mine own locus of daily science-playing has been dismantled, carted away, 30-ton blocks and all (though the Sacred Log-books are retained for well, who Knoze?) Thus my immortality is assured ... sayeth moi + Ozy.. of a previous generation.

Unless ..