Wow! ..such precise logic ..all pure *anathema* to Sandy-and-all-who-*Ride-in her
* (a tip to the space-borne Sally Ride, that is..)
Yeah.. haven't even peeped their 'Sight' (as in: for rilly-sore eyes) in many a year. Now I wish to see an Honest-reprise of Events re I.W. After This--what seemed to be a Terminal fubar for I.W.--which I merely presume had a sharp Negative-slope of readership. But wanna see that chart: for the Year after the Fiasco. Any hints on such a chronicler? Hmm?
Still and all: IWETHEY-core-folk! Indeed! stepped-in to begin that {{avalanche?}} and.. I believe that that speaks well for the moral-compass of each of that core ..extant, (even for those with now.. short-Attention-span who have become dazzled with ... the cacophony of n! of blogspots all over the map?) and have forgotten their, er Roots {!}
... Are we not The True Scotsmen??
Ed: PS.. the last two missives there: kinda summarize the exact depth-of-Clusterfuck ... within Sandy-on-down. In retrospect: moi thinketh that: this SHOULD have been their instant-Denouement re any next readership from The Competents in I.T. (Dunno if the rag is even 'extant', as I speak.)