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Welcome to IWETHEY!

New Playful-LRPD chimes in.. As does moi.
When will they realize that their stupid cult is not the only one?
(Has Admin hacked HAL-9000 ... at about the "Daisy.. D a i s y . . . " stage of devolution ..and run with it?)

As you have--in the argot of Owned aka 'pwned'--this small forum since early-on in your tenure here, I must aver that I have -quite- missed your periodic updates of .intellectual-warz twixt BDS and RC? while realizing these are merely soupçons of the book-length {hint} hilarity these merely suggest (and the doubtless embarrassed-rage response, were the players--you know who you are--ever to peep at the Reel History of the firm, (sometimes caught in flagrante delicto, I entirely expect.) My hope is that you shall riffle/or rifle? a few more items you've committed to ink/or recollection, even as zIWETHY has become the refuge of us hard-core Incurables/ Norwegian Blues *pining for the Fjords.

* {lateral arabesque}

Overdue Props --> Admin ..for ALL the zany efforts which began ..from "Outrage!" of our nascent member-set: when the trade-mag InfoWorld was Caught! Bolivian-Blue-handed in the aforementioned flagrante delicto. Sandy Reed, (Editor) manifestly had faked the stats re a (Vote for the best OS), naming Windows NT over OS/2 (cf. Grygus' still fav, last I heard.) Thence, formed from the most snide? vociferous Citizens-for-Truthiness were indeed the core which became, via a series of venues: Us.

I shan't attempt any imagineering of the futchah [Look! in the road a Head] a puerile exercise anyway, given the evanescent morphing of our environs as 'America' ..slouches from faux-democracy into --> Make Amerika Grate Again mind-fucking/actual Seppuku-by-design. My hope is merely that IWE shall some. How. persist despite the self-immolating idiocy all about. IWE has been a fucking-Beacon compared with raw perfidy all-around. In this interim phase: America has demonstrated to the world that, a plurality of its inmates are simply Disgusting. We shall never be able to disabuse--later?--much of that world of this epithet as, like many chemical formulae: such a judgment [does not imply] the "" directional possibility (I wot.)
(The well-read already judged the dis-US as descended from Slavers whereas, most Muricans have yet to make that connection). Unsurprisingly.

Por moi there is no competing blogspot of drop-in punditry as can compare: to a century in-Intarweb-'time' with those occasionally erudite exchanges--still available via the durable wizardry of our [Only!-] Admin. And I am unanimous in that. Even when a few (as, Him Who Must Not Be Named) required that their epaulets be ripped off, the sword broken: gentle hints, thence more direct confrontation was always the M.O.--(had 'Murica been governed similarly it might have persisted). But I digress.

Carrion ... we never know where it'll turn up, but the odor is unmistakable.
New 22 years ago.

We're almost on the 20 year anniversary of the Zope boards. I don't recall exactly when we started the ezBoard forums but it was probably around 98/99.
Welcome to Rivendell, Mr. Anderson.
New That can't be right

New Where's my damn flying car?
Welcome to Rivendell, Mr. Anderson.
New I blame Sandy.
InfoWorld June 16, 1997.

Heh. :-)

New Wow! ..such precise logic ..all pure *anathema* to Sandy-and-all-who-*Ride-in her
* (a tip to the space-borne Sally Ride, that is..)

Yeah.. haven't even peeped their 'Sight' (as in: for rilly-sore eyes) in many a year. Now I wish to see an Honest-reprise of Events re I.W. After This--what seemed to be a Terminal fubar for I.W.--which I merely presume had a sharp Negative-slope of readership. But wanna see that chart: for the Year after the Fiasco. Any hints on such a chronicler? Hmm?

Still and all: IWETHEY-core-folk! Indeed! stepped-in to begin that {{avalanche?}} and.. I believe that that speaks well for the moral-compass of each of that core ..extant, (even for those with now.. short-Attention-span who have become dazzled with ... the cacophony of n! of blogspots all over the map?) and have forgotten their, er Roots {!}

... Are we not The True Scotsmen??

Ed: PS.. the last two missives there: kinda summarize the exact depth-of-Clusterfuck ... within Sandy-on-down. In retrospect: moi thinketh that: this SHOULD have been their instant-Denouement re any next readership from The Competents in I.T. (Dunno if the rag is even 'extant', as I speak.)
Expand Edited by Ashton April 10, 2019, 05:25:58 PM EDT
     From the archives - (rcareaga) - (9)
         Jeezus - (drook) - (8)
             Believe me, it got better - (rcareaga) - (6)
                 Playful-LRPD chimes in.. As does moi. - (Ashton) - (5)
                     22 years ago. - (malraux) - (4)
                         That can't be right -NT - (drook) - (2)
                             Where's my damn flying car? -NT - (malraux) - (1)
                                 I blame Sandy. - (Another Scott)
                         Wow! ..such precise logic ..all pure *anathema* to Sandy-and-all-who-*Ride-in her - (Ashton)
             I was pleased with this as well - (rcareaga)

They're trying to teach you math by brainwashing you.
44 ms