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Welcome to IWETHEY!

New Jeezus
They had to *work* to miss the insubordination in that.

New Believe me, it got better
…toward the end. For my valedictory issue of the Bulletin I substituted a personal “Biography Minute” for the “History Minute,” and sent this forward without bothering with review. Honestly, it’s not as though I settled personal scores, or trashed the outfit, but management went berserk. With literally forty-eight freaking hours to go before my retirement, I was summoned before the High Sheriffs (actually, because the High Sheriffs of BDS do not deign to speak to the munchkins, before a very embarrassed second-tier manager with whom I was on friendly terms) for a reprimand. “Bite me,” I replied gaily.

God, it made the previous forty years worthwhile.

New Playful-LRPD chimes in.. As does moi.
When will they realize that their stupid cult is not the only one?
(Has Admin hacked HAL-9000 ... at about the "Daisy.. D a i s y . . . " stage of devolution ..and run with it?)

As you have--in the argot of Owned aka 'pwned'--this small forum since early-on in your tenure here, I must aver that I have -quite- missed your periodic updates of .intellectual-warz twixt BDS and RC? while realizing these are merely soupçons of the book-length {hint} hilarity these merely suggest (and the doubtless embarrassed-rage response, were the players--you know who you are--ever to peep at the Reel History of the firm, (sometimes caught in flagrante delicto, I entirely expect.) My hope is that you shall riffle/or rifle? a few more items you've committed to ink/or recollection, even as zIWETHY has become the refuge of us hard-core Incurables/ Norwegian Blues *pining for the Fjords.

* {lateral arabesque}

Overdue Props --> Admin ..for ALL the zany efforts which began ..from "Outrage!" of our nascent member-set: when the trade-mag InfoWorld was Caught! Bolivian-Blue-handed in the aforementioned flagrante delicto. Sandy Reed, (Editor) manifestly had faked the stats re a (Vote for the best OS), naming Windows NT over OS/2 (cf. Grygus' still fav, last I heard.) Thence, formed from the most snide? vociferous Citizens-for-Truthiness were indeed the core which became, via a series of venues: Us.

I shan't attempt any imagineering of the futchah [Look! in the road a Head] a puerile exercise anyway, given the evanescent morphing of our environs as 'America' ..slouches from faux-democracy into --> Make Amerika Grate Again mind-fucking/actual Seppuku-by-design. My hope is merely that IWE shall some. How. persist despite the self-immolating idiocy all about. IWE has been a fucking-Beacon compared with raw perfidy all-around. In this interim phase: America has demonstrated to the world that, a plurality of its inmates are simply Disgusting. We shall never be able to disabuse--later?--much of that world of this epithet as, like many chemical formulae: such a judgment [does not imply] the "" directional possibility (I wot.)
(The well-read already judged the dis-US as descended from Slavers whereas, most Muricans have yet to make that connection). Unsurprisingly.

Por moi there is no competing blogspot of drop-in punditry as can compare: to a century in-Intarweb-'time' with those occasionally erudite exchanges--still available via the durable wizardry of our [Only!-] Admin. And I am unanimous in that. Even when a few (as, Him Who Must Not Be Named) required that their epaulets be ripped off, the sword broken: gentle hints, thence more direct confrontation was always the M.O.--(had 'Murica been governed similarly it might have persisted). But I digress.

Carrion ... we never know where it'll turn up, but the odor is unmistakable.
New 22 years ago.

We're almost on the 20 year anniversary of the Zope boards. I don't recall exactly when we started the ezBoard forums but it was probably around 98/99.
Welcome to Rivendell, Mr. Anderson.
New That can't be right

New Where's my damn flying car?
Welcome to Rivendell, Mr. Anderson.
New I blame Sandy.
InfoWorld June 16, 1997.

Heh. :-)

New Wow! ..such precise logic ..all pure *anathema* to Sandy-and-all-who-*Ride-in her
* (a tip to the space-borne Sally Ride, that is..)

Yeah.. haven't even peeped their 'Sight' (as in: for rilly-sore eyes) in many a year. Now I wish to see an Honest-reprise of Events re I.W. After This--what seemed to be a Terminal fubar for I.W.--which I merely presume had a sharp Negative-slope of readership. But wanna see that chart: for the Year after the Fiasco. Any hints on such a chronicler? Hmm?

Still and all: IWETHEY-core-folk! Indeed! stepped-in to begin that {{avalanche?}} and.. I believe that that speaks well for the moral-compass of each of that core ..extant, (even for those with now.. short-Attention-span who have become dazzled with ... the cacophony of n! of blogspots all over the map?) and have forgotten their, er Roots {!}

... Are we not The True Scotsmen??

Ed: PS.. the last two missives there: kinda summarize the exact depth-of-Clusterfuck ... within Sandy-on-down. In retrospect: moi thinketh that: this SHOULD have been their instant-Denouement re any next readership from The Competents in I.T. (Dunno if the rag is even 'extant', as I speak.)
Expand Edited by Ashton April 10, 2019, 05:25:58 PM EDT
New I was pleased with this as well
In another “History Minute,” alluding to a federal official who came in for considerable public mockery for the discharge of his office:
Of course, this was a very different age, in which aspirants and officeholders alike were obliged to rely on freelancers like Frank Ball to hold them up to public ridicule rather than tweeting their own material.
I was actually astonished that this got by.

     From the archives - (rcareaga) - (9)
         Jeezus - (drook) - (8)
             Believe me, it got better - (rcareaga) - (6)
                 Playful-LRPD chimes in.. As does moi. - (Ashton) - (5)
                     22 years ago. - (malraux) - (4)
                         That can't be right -NT - (drook) - (2)
                             Where's my damn flying car? -NT - (malraux) - (1)
                                 I blame Sandy. - (Another Scott)
                         Wow! ..such precise logic ..all pure *anathema* to Sandy-and-all-who-*Ride-in her - (Ashton)
             I was pleased with this as well - (rcareaga)

I'm glad I didn't have to explain it to you.
142 ms