Post #427,942
3/18/19 10:17:00 AM
3/18/19 10:17:00 AM

I gone and done it
So I've decided to learn me the gee-tar.
It's been three weeks (four weeks calendar, but I was in SD for a week of that) and I've got nine or so chords down now (A, C, D, E, G, Am, Dm, Em - currently working on F and B, barring is hard ok?) and am starting to work on changing between them.
Learning materials are principally Justin Sandercoe's outstanding material on YouTube and his website. Very accessible beginner's course materials; his praxis is excellent, with all the daft little questions (it's the pad of your fourth finger damping the G string ever so slightly that's making your E chord sound like ass) answered before you even get to ask them.
And now, without even trying, I've got three guitars and two amps. How the hell?
(Yamaha Pacifica 112 in dark green with rosewood fretboard, Chord acoustic (but with electric bits) in all the maple in the world, Fender Stratocaster in Olympic White with rosewood fretboard, thanks for asking. Turns out that FiL is "making space" for a new guitar, which takes the form of giving older guitars to me! I'm also considering buying his white Ibanez Artcore AGR73T off him, because it's pretty as a picture)
Post #427,946
3/18/19 11:56:52 AM
3/18/19 11:56:52 AM

Couldn't justify any more photo kit, huh?
Time for a new hole to pour your money into.
Post #427,947
3/18/19 12:00:26 PM
3/18/19 12:00:26 PM

For acoustic...
bcnu, Mikem
It's mourning in America again.
Post #427,948
3/18/19 12:06:54 PM
3/18/19 12:06:54 PM

Nah, not my cuppa
And at that price, it needs to play itself.
Post #427,950
3/18/19 12:15:36 PM
3/18/19 12:18:13 PM

Or if you're learning and just trying to figure out if you can even play the thing and don't want to pay a price literally 2 orders of magnitude bigger, this is a decent starter guitar: company apparently sells a lot of replicas from companies that build the big names. Very good quality, very good prices, unknown names. I had mine checked out by someone who plays real guitar extremely well. He was quite impressed with the quality.
Regards, -scott Welcome to Rivendell, Mr. Anderson.

Edited by malraux
March 18, 2019, 12:18:13 PM EDT
Post #427,951
3/18/19 3:56:39 PM
3/18/19 3:56:39 PM

You mock Martin guitars? Toddler.
bcnu, Mikem
It's mourning in America again.
Post #427,952
3/18/19 5:15:06 PM
3/18/19 5:15:06 PM

Not at all. I'm mocking the thought that a beginner should buy a $7000 guitar.
Regards, -scott Welcome to Rivendell, Mr. Anderson.
Post #427,962
3/19/19 8:15:14 AM
3/19/19 8:15:14 AM

At least I didn't suggest this one. ;0) OTOH, I'm not a real guitar player, but I am a real banjo player and I can tell you with absolute certainty that I cannot get my first banjo (a gift from my parents when I was 12) to ever sound like my Gibson Pre-War TB11 conversion. There is something to be said for not starting out on what we used to call "department store instruments" imo. For one thing, a quality instrument is a lot easier to fret and will make anyone sound better. ;0)
bcnu, Mikem
It's mourning in America again.
Post #427,965
3/19/19 11:06:01 AM
3/19/19 11:06:01 AM

True, but as I said these are good quality reproductions.
Made by the same people who make the name brand instruments.
Regards, -scott Welcome to Rivendell, Mr. Anderson.
Post #427,969
3/19/19 12:06:53 PM
3/19/19 12:06:53 PM

No argument.
I also have one of these and I must say it is a very fine instrument, despite it's being made 60 years after my Gibson. ;0) There are very high quality banjos being made today. Even the relatively inexpensive Deering GoodTime resonator banjos (around $900.00 the last I looked) I've heard have really good tone. This is a *very* hot discussion/argument in banjo circles. Are the new Stellings, Huber's, Prucha's, Cox's, Sullivan's, etc. as "good" as the Pre-War Gibson's? My real opinion is play it, if you like it, it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks.
bcnu, Mikem
It's mourning in America again.
Post #427,967
3/19/19 11:55:25 AM
3/19/19 11:55:25 AM

$45K for a trigger's broom acoustic?
OK, I absolutely do not understand the high end vintage acoustic guitar market.
Post #427,970
3/19/19 12:07:35 PM
3/19/19 12:07:35 PM

No worries. You'll develop taste some time. ;0)
bcnu, Mikem
It's mourning in America again.
Post #427,974
3/19/19 12:26:27 PM
3/19/19 12:26:27 PM

Not unless I develop a talent for acoustic death folk metal...
Post #427,981
3/19/19 5:49:55 PM
3/19/19 5:49:55 PM

ok I see your point
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of the experts" – Richard Feynman
Post #427,959
3/18/19 7:35:01 PM
3/18/19 7:35:01 PM

laying around my shack, electric guitar and base, violin some flutes
had to give up the drum kit when all my kids moved back in, should have let the kids go and kept the drums
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of the experts" – Richard Feynman
Post #427,949
3/18/19 12:09:43 PM
3/18/19 12:09:43 PM

I did that last year
I decided to learn classical guitar with an acoustic. I spent a few weeks getting ok at finger picking, got sick for a couple of months, and then never went back to it.
I'm going to check out those videos though.
Regards, -scott Welcome to Rivendell, Mr. Anderson.
Post #427,961
3/18/19 9:29:59 PM
3/18/19 9:29:59 PM

I bought a copy of Rocksmith some years ago.
As well as a version for each major console (PS3, XBox 360), each had a version that came with a guitar. Yes, someone gameified learning to play electric guitar!
It's quite a good piece of software, but I had a shift in events that robbed me of time and I've not come back to it. I didn't get as far as chords but I can definitely remember how to self-tune a guitar.
Post #430,043
7/30/19 2:46:38 AM
7/30/19 2:46:38 AM

Haven't quit!
Upgraded to an Ibanez RGEW521ZC - basically a hardtail super-strat shape, with a lovely natural ziricote finish. Roasted maple neck with a 12" radius is flat and so, so smooth. Rosewood 22-fret fingerboard and a couple of DiMarzio humbuckers. Easy to play and with a sweet clean tone. And the best-finished fret ends in its price range.
The Strat is still around, but I don't play it much. It's heavy, and the flat-wound strings on it aren't my thing - I slip and slide all over the place. I've given the Pacifica back to FiL, and I think the Strat will follow it.
Currently using a Vox Rhythm 5 Mini practice amp (nice at the £120-ish price), but considering an upgrade to an Orange Micro Terror and the funky little 8" cab that matches it. I've also got a horrid "Rockburn" practice amp which cost just £30, and sounds like it.
Now looking for a centre-block hollow-body for acoustic/bluesy noodlings - current prime candidate is an Epiphone Dot, which seems to strike the balance between cost and quality (and hoo boy, the law of diminishing returns applies - with a vengeance - to guitars). Also, I want a red one.
My playing is coming on. Open chords are pretty much sorted, barre chords are still kicking my arse (but less so) and I'm starting to work on my scales. I can murder simplified versions of a few songs now, including Brown Eyed Girl, Zombie, Born to Die. My next victim is going to be Folsom Prison Blues, because that'll force me to work on both my strumming (I'm a left-hooker playing right-handed, so my strumming is a bit clumsy) and getting into and out of the B7 chord, which I'm bad at.
Post #430,045
7/30/19 9:32:43 AM
7/30/19 9:32:43 AM

Re: Haven't quit!
Bought an Epiphone Dot in Cherry red. Delicious.
Nice flat fingerboard and a positively edible warm tone. The body shape is very comfy.
It helps that it's pretty as a picture, too.
Post #430,047
7/30/19 10:13:02 AM
7/30/19 10:13:02 AM

Glad to hear you're still at it!
Music is one of the very few human endeavors that actually lasts and speaks to multiple generations.
bcnu, Mikem
It's mourning in America again.
Post #430,048
7/30/19 1:54:28 PM
7/30/19 1:54:28 PM

So, you can't make up your mind on which? :)
"There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that "my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge."
-- Isaac Asimov
Post #430,049
7/30/19 3:08:45 PM
7/30/19 3:08:46 PM

You misunderstand
There is no "can't decide".
There is only "need both".
Post #430,051
7/30/19 4:42:24 PM
7/30/19 4:42:24 PM

Indeed. You've only just started (said the man with 4 banjos). ;0)
bcnu, Mikem
It's mourning in America again.