CNN mini-flic.
I mean, whatever Bernie's 'losses'-to-date, His Was the kernel-platform which has become: today's Big Slate driving inevitably-warring ∑-candidates. Whether or not his personal charisma/or not amidst the vox populi: his apparent prescience (not only re What-actually-Matters to many of those) but his (thus) 'masterful framing' of the listicle: COUNTS in much jelloware {I wot..}
Carrion; someties it gets into the neurons it makes your fact orange.
I mean, whatever Bernie's 'losses'-to-date, His Was the kernel-platform which has become: today's Big Slate driving inevitably-warring ∑-candidates. Whether or not his personal charisma/or not amidst the vox populi: his apparent prescience (not only re What-actually-Matters to many of those) but his (thus) 'masterful framing' of the listicle: COUNTS in much jelloware {I wot..}
Carrion; someties it gets into the neurons it makes your fact orange.