Bernie can't save us if he can't win the primaries!! ;-)
True, but I thought we were talking (mostly) about the primaries.
Bernie can't save us if he can't win the primaries!! ;-) Cheers, Scott. |
I don't think he'll win the primary
The problem with Bernie is that he loses, and then is a very shit loser. If he contests and loses again, as is most likely, then he needs to act like a fucking adult and throw the full force of his political clout and influence behind whoever gets the nomination, without equivocation or qualification. His participation in the primary could be a valuable influence, ensuring that the Democratic Party isn't just an echo chamber, and putting some varied policy items into the debate. But if he loses? Time to nut up and get in line. Or he could be a massive whiny arsehole with massive whiny arsehole followers, and y'all can have another four years of Cadet Bone Spurs. |
What are you on about?
One of the many things that makes Donald Trump angry is that Bernie Sanders does not seem to hold grudges. In recent speeches, Trump has pointed to the information that has come out, through WikiLeaks’ disclosures of John Podesta’s e-mails, about the Clinton team’s attitude toward Sanders during the primaries: the slights (“doofus”), the schemes (“where would you stick the knife?”), and the eye-rolling (“socialist math”). Perhaps worst of all—at least from Trump’s point of view—was Donna Brazile’s passing along of debate questions. "Now, Bernie Sanders should be angry right? Shouldn’t he be angry?” Trump asked a crowd in Florida. He sounded a little bit puzzled—he would be so mad. Maybe don't just believe whatever Scott says about Bernie all the time. ;0) bcnu, Mikem It's mourning in America again. |
That's like reading about how Corbyn campaigned for "Remain" in the Brexit referendum
Technically correct. |
The second-best kind of correct
I used to think it was the most-best kind, until I realized "He's not wrong" is more best. -- Drew |
Well.. there's this re The Source, all along of the New(est) Demo Slate:
CNN mini-flic. I mean, whatever Bernie's 'losses'-to-date, His Was the kernel-platform which has become: today's Big Slate driving inevitably-warring ∑-candidates. Whether or not his personal charisma/or not amidst the vox populi: his apparent prescience (not only re What-actually-Matters to many of those) but his (thus) 'masterful framing' of the listicle: COUNTS in much jelloware {I wot..} Carrion; someties it gets into the neurons it makes your fact orange. |
Aspirations are wonderful, and important.
Twitter: Taniel Verified account @Taniel Bernie doesn't know how to actually make it happen, and he doesn't care that he doesn't know. Cheers, Scott. |
History Prof offers some +/-'s re Bernie-chances
"What 2020 Dems can't afford to ignore about Bernie". Of course so much can go Rong in the proximate-next ... no one's guesstimate is worth a PhD at Trump U. Hey! a slow-drip of ketamine could let us sleep through.. ... Nah, we're all suckers for watching train-wrecks; why not planet-wrecks too? |