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New Elephants get drunk on overripe fruit?
In India, they are notorious for breaking into breweries. sucking the tanks, and then trampling people.
New It's because ethanol--a tiny molecule--affects myriad brain loci and pathways, too numerous
to analyze with much confidence ('causality' and like that) whereas the Fun-stuff ingested by millions of homo-saps
--with BIG molecules--target a (bearable number of) pathways which Can be deduced.. at least that's the tl;dr
best treatment logic of the syndrome-deciphering ..which I've found to date
New A number of birds get tanked on overripe fruit.
Here in Oz, Rainbow Lorikeets are known for it.

     Dolphins Seem to Use Toxic Pufferfish to Get High - (lincoln) - (5)
         Elephants get drunk on overripe fruit? - (Andrew Grygus) - (2)
             It's because ethanol--a tiny molecule--affects myriad brain loci and pathways, too numerous - (Ashton)
             A number of birds get tanked on overripe fruit. - (static)
         Lemurs + millipedes - (scoenye) - (1)
             Reminds me of these guys... - (dmcarls)

Please... I can't take this kind of stimulation! I got Disney tunes running all through my head at just the thought of it.
127 ms