I few I disagree with. Several more I like how they're ugly. But many, many more I fully agree with them.
![]() I few I disagree with. Several more I like how they're ugly. But many, many more I fully agree with them. http://www.carnovels.com/worldwide/ugly-cars -- Drew |
![]() And I am wondering who the joke is on with the Nissan S-Cargo. Can't believe they never heard the one about the Z (even if they are Japanese) :-/ |
![]() -- Drew |
![]() There's a few cars on there that aren't the xxxx-iest in any way at all; they're just automotive white goods. I mean, look at the Chevy Aveo. Boring as hell, but ugliest ever? You'd have to be on crack. Then the title of the article is "The Ugliest Cars ever Produced", and it has a whole bunch of concept and one-off cars on it. "Production" has a specific meaning for cars! And then there are some cars that just. aren't. ugly. at. all. The Ford Probe. "looks like a shoe" - huh wat? "like a ufo" - you're drunk! ![]() It's actually modestly handsome, in a boring kind of way. And here's the LR Disco II. Now I know you're taking the piss. And the Jag S-type. Yes, it's a lazy remix of the Mark 2. IT'S NOT EVEN SLIGHTLY FUCKING UGLY, YOU LUNATICS. ![]() |
![]() In fact, I've been looking at those as we have one for sale a mile from my workplace. BTW, how many millions do you need in the way of maintenance to actually own one of those? bcnu, Mikem It's mourning in America again. |
![]() Ford (V6) or Jaguar (V8) engines, Getrag trasnmissions. I imagine their electrics will be heading towards "interesting" territory, but you still see quite a few on the road over here. Due to their target demographic, they're probably better-maintained than more commodity vehicles of similar vintage. |
![]() bcnu, Mikem It's mourning in America again. |
![]() The Citroën Ami fits squarely in the "I like how ugly it is" category. But the Multipla ... What the fuck, Fiat? If I had to have one as a daily driver though, I like the Brubaker Box. -- Drew |
![]() …but it's a supremely practical vehicle, especially in the iteration shown. Bench seats front and back, seats six in comfort, all the instruments are angled towards the driver including the centre console, it's actually pretty nice to drive for what is basically a van, rear seats fold flat for carrying stuff, etc. It just looks like a frog, is all. |
![]() If you can manage to get in and drive without looking at it, you'll like it. -- Drew |
![]() A friend had one. It seemed few parts were connected to any others. Mirrors wouldn't stay put, knobs came off, ... |
![]() Having lived with its unexpectedly (!) comfortable--but simply accomplished in the clever engineering--SEATS, the odd way of the shifter = big-knob etc. was overcome in about ... 5 minutes? And its reliability, a necessity for that demographic: nonpareil. It looked lovelier every day.. Simply, I Wish I had that one back, right now! alas a willing buyer of the crunched sheetmetal bought it, within days.. Now a likely hi-mileage one, looking not to have been beaten to death ... makes it a f-ing Collector car cha. cha. cha. :-/ But Yeah, I'd almost.. consider the Jag, fully endorsing Peter's justly acerbic view of 'Murican ideas of 'Losers'--especially about this example--but the prospect of Lucas? electrics [The Queen of Darkness was the UK-diss of that mfg.]--and "electronics" ... remains scary. Now if I could snare a creampuff for $4K under 150K miles .... VROOOM in-the-bag. (Some Acura Plutocrats have >300K miles uneventfully, last I heard..) Carz! ... cant live with them, can't .... PITA (Recall reading in past n-weeks about the costs of one ultra-transistorized) Kia? Hyundai? model, wherein the design-bobos put damn near all of the AI-toys just behind the bumper [sensors-yes, but not the expen$ive shit], you idiots.. IIRC it was ~$22,000 (yes, all those zeroes) for a modest front-end crunch. Insanity writ Hyarge. Gotta replace the Acura Plutocrat though; its kevlar belt, rated for '7-years routine be-safe replacement' is going-on 17 years, (but well under the mere mileage limit) ..so I keep the revs well below red-line, accordingly; it is amongst the many 'interference engines' (valves + pistons remix) .. when it breaks, maybe even at idle. {sigh} |
![]() A conversation with my Insurance Co re rates, revealed: ALL of us ARE Paying for the near exponential replacement costs of all those clever gew-gaws intended to let you be a complete A-hole driver ... and escape, maybe undeservedly ... to crash another one. Check it out on your renewal.. {sigh} (Of course it does make simple actuarial-sense, we see; it isn't just another price-rise scam. But that factoid doesn't Help :-/ |
![]() They Picked my car I don't think my Nissan cube is ugly Hey It's been a very good car for the last seven years Only have 46,000 miles on it It does just what it's supposed to do "Pictures are better then words because some words are big and hard to understand" Peter Griffin (Family Guy) |
![]() Sure, boring as Hell, but otherwise a perfectly ordinary modern compact. They're all boring, it's the new black. And the name, "Car *Novels*"? Also, the logo looks rather familiar from somewhere else... ripped-off of Car Design News, perhaps? Above all, trust a list that has the same car twice[1]?!? Fuck no. Cheap-ass click-bait shit-site. 1: Marcos Mantis. Second on the list, and then again about halfway down. -- Christian R. Conrad Same old username (as above), but now on iki.fi (Yeah, yeah, it redirects to the same old GMail... But just in case I ever want to change.) |