Post #427,400
2/4/19 11:42:49 AM
2/4/19 11:42:49 AM

wife's computer just died
she came out of the home office bitching that the machine is beeping at her. Asked "what's going on?" and get told she rebooted it (wouldn't say why) and now the screen is black and the PC is beeping: one medium beep followed by a very long beep. This keeps repeating. I press the on/off button to restart; same thing happens. Then the button's light goes out for a second or two, then comes back on, so I guess it's trying another reboot. Wait a minute then press and hold down the power button. No help. Pull the power cord, wait a few minutes, plug it back in, and we're back to square one: nothing on the monitor and it's doing the short then long beep.
Any thoughts on what it might be?
Satan (impatiently) to Newcomer: The trouble with you Chicago people is, that you think you are the best people down here; whereas you are merely the most numerous. - - - Mark Twain, "Pudd'nhead Wilson's New Calendar" 1897
Post #427,402
2/4/19 12:09:17 PM
2/4/19 12:09:17 PM

I don't see any exact matches... be the motherboard. Maybe pull the power cord and try to turn it on with it unplugged (to try to make sure the capacitors are fully discharged), then turn it off, plug it in, and try again to turn it on. Good luck. Cheers, Scott.
Post #427,408
2/4/19 6:08:09 PM
2/4/19 6:08:09 PM

Commercial or homebrew?
HP and Dell have the explanation for their beeps, although they do change them over time. For homebrew you'll need the motherboard mfg and model.
Quick test: remove all RAM and disconnect the HDD. If the beep pattern doesn't change it's time for a new box. If it does change, then it is unhappy with one of the removed parts.
Post #427,409
2/4/19 6:48:07 PM
2/4/19 6:48:07 PM

HP unit
Can't find the manual; must be in a box we haven't unpacked yet. And it's too old for HP's site to offer much help.
After lots of time reading Google hits for "HP PC beep codes" I found a site that said one short-one long means problem with the memory. So I pulled all 4 SIMMs, reseated them, plugged the power cord in and hit the on/off button.
It booted up. So I took my oldest external HD, deleted everything on it, and copied every file of hers that I could find. (Sure would have been nice if she had better folder structure, like I've been telling her for many years. But I digress.)
Then I turned it off.
We'll give it a shot tonight and if it gives us trouble, then we'll be forced to go shopping. Still haven't had any luck finding her copy of Office circa 2011 nor my version of Office Pro 2013. They should have been thrown into boxes from the flood demo crew or her coworkers who came to help, but I wouldn't put it past any of her coworkers from having sticky fingers. I've heard enough stories from her over the past 2 years that some of those people are 100% assholes.
Satan (impatiently) to Newcomer: The trouble with you Chicago people is, that you think you are the best people down here; whereas you are merely the most numerous. - - - Mark Twain, "Pudd'nhead Wilson's New Calendar" 1897
Post #427,413
2/5/19 6:34:40 AM
2/5/19 6:34:40 AM

There'll be a service tag or code on the bottom/back of the unit.
Post #427,416
2/5/19 11:21:24 AM
2/5/19 11:21:24 AM

couldn't find the BIOS chip
no motherboard diagram at HP's web site so I can't see where the bios chip is. Also, no obvious wording on any visible chip saying AMI or Phoenix or the other bios maker.
It came on last night; however, the screen was black until she mouse clicked. Then it continued with the start-up routine. Said maybe we can go to the Goodwill computer store and get up a replacement for $200. She adamantly said no, saying that the IT guys at work said it will come with one or more viruses (I pretty much doubt that). So we're looking at $399 - $499 range for new at Best Buy. We do have a mom and pop shop in the area but they did such a shitty job repairing it 2 years ago that they guaranteed that I'll never be their customer again.
Satan (impatiently) to Newcomer: The trouble with you Chicago people is, that you think you are the best people down here; whereas you are merely the most numerous. - - - Mark Twain, "Pudd'nhead Wilson's New Calendar" 1897
Post #427,418
2/5/19 2:25:12 PM
2/5/19 2:25:12 PM

Beware though of a certain bugaboo..
"Everyone who fails to meet My expectations is a dunce; why can't they be more like Me: utter perfection?" ;^>
Post #427,425
2/5/19 8:49:16 PM
2/5/19 8:49:16 PM

should be able to get a new hp <$300 new
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of the experts" – Richard Feynman
Post #427,426
2/5/19 9:43:24 PM
2/5/19 9:43:24 PM

State surplus shed in the area?
The IRS is hounding some State agencies to run supported OSes only. Vermont is currently retiring a heap of decent boxes for which there are no Win 10 drivers available. That may be going on in your neck of the woods as well.
Post #427,431
2/6/19 12:40:45 PM
2/6/19 12:40:45 PM

will Google. thanks for the idea
Satan (impatiently) to Newcomer: The trouble with you Chicago people is, that you think you are the best people down here; whereas you are merely the most numerous. - - - Mark Twain, "Pudd'nhead Wilson's New Calendar" 1897
Post #427,687
2/24/19 10:12:44 AM
2/24/19 10:12:44 AM

knock on wood
so far so good. ever since reseating the memory SIMMs it's behaving as desired - turns on, boots up, and allows her to run Chrome or Firefox to accomplish her searching needs.
She's very resistant to going computer shopping, even though I've impressed upon her that this respite will not last forever. I've saved her files and Favorites folder but haven't taken an inventory of installed apps, so I don't know what I'll need to put onto her new unit once we get it.
Satan (impatiently) to Newcomer: The trouble with you Chicago people is, that you think you are the best people down here; whereas you are merely the most numerous. - - - Mark Twain, "Pudd'nhead Wilson's New Calendar" 1897
Post #427,690
2/24/19 2:35:30 PM
2/24/19 2:35:30 PM

pickup a usb hd reader
has a slot where you can put in the old harddrive and read the contents. saved my butt once when the lapper died but the hd was salvageable
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of the experts" – Richard Feynman