Too bad we made our own conversion voluntary.
Myanmar is converting now, and when they're done it will just be us and Liberia.
Myanmar is converting now, and when they're done it will just be us and Liberia.
Yabut they were smart enough to move on in '65.
Too bad we made our own conversion voluntary. Myanmar is converting now, and when they're done it will just be us and Liberia. Regards, -scott Welcome to Rivendell, Mr. Anderson. |
They did not move on entirely, thank $DEITY.
A "pint" in the UK is still a proper pint (19.2 of our ounces). That's *most* important. ;0) bcnu, Mikem It's mourning in America again. |
I oughta be annoyed at the (semi-)recent fad here in Finlandesa (and...
...and, for all I know, other parts of Scandalahoovia) to sell beer in imperial-baboon-unit "pint" cans. But, hey, it's hard to get upset when you're having 0.568 litres of beer in stead of just 0.5. -- Christian R. Conrad Same old username (as above), but now on (Yeah, yeah, it redirects to the same old GMail... But just in case I ever want to change.) |