...if you want a portable version. [link|http://www.cygwin.com/|Cygwin] is a port to WinXX of the Unix environment. Win32-native ports of single utilities also exist, you want fileutils from [link|http://unxutils.sourceforge.net/|here].

[link|http://www.toms.net/rb/|Tom's Root/Boot] is a very minimal, but still quite useful, GNU/Linux distro on a single floppy disk.

[link|http://www.lnx-bbc.org/|LNX-BBC] is TRB on steroids. Burn it and use it.

The SEUL-EDU message posted included the full text of the referenced Signal-Ground article. Yes, I'm aware that the link itself is broken, but you don't need it.

GUI? Just post what you need to do, the CLI is infiinitely easier to describe in posts -- most of the operations you'd want to do are simple one-liners. Of course, there is the GUI version of [link|http://www.mds.mdh.se/~dat95jnn/linux/gtrue/|true].