It me, your father. ...
Ruductio ab absurdum aka cha. cha. cha. is often fun; nevertheless I rather doubt--when the tyke(s) have grown a bit beyond er, Dick & Jane Learn Personal Pronouns--that Mike will forsake perspicuity unto pecksniffery ..via such as, 'our' tampon/jock-strap etc. as clearly 'belong' to the appropriate Individual-homo-sap concerned.. right?
Further (I merely presume, having never lived there/then) that in the USSR, there existed mores such that folks would not/could not be expected to wander into a nearby household and grab the radio/TV-set? with a perfunctory, "We borrow back Our BBC-short-wave radio set now" ... and like that.
But then my POV on that and similar issues has always been: for Communism to be both practical and copacetic, homo-sap would have to have evolved Way-smarter than the current dis-US multiple-tribes. Could Happen, but not with any Trumpists (or brain-damaged Others). Future generations ..if there are any left.
Carrion: the lions eat first, the smaller species dine on the leftovers. So if homo-sap persists in its now-undereducated (ever underfunded to the masses), heading towards --> more of the same: carrion will be what the brutes dine on and ... forget fancy social theories that techno/science can ever save the unEducables from themselves, I wot.
Ruductio ab absurdum aka cha. cha. cha. is often fun; nevertheless I rather doubt--when the tyke(s) have grown a bit beyond er, Dick & Jane Learn Personal Pronouns--that Mike will forsake perspicuity unto pecksniffery ..via such as, 'our' tampon/jock-strap etc. as clearly 'belong' to the appropriate Individual-homo-sap concerned.. right?
Further (I merely presume, having never lived there/then) that in the USSR, there existed mores such that folks would not/could not be expected to wander into a nearby household and grab the radio/TV-set? with a perfunctory, "We borrow back Our BBC-short-wave radio set now" ... and like that.
But then my POV on that and similar issues has always been: for Communism to be both practical and copacetic, homo-sap would have to have evolved Way-smarter than the current dis-US multiple-tribes. Could Happen, but not with any Trumpists (or brain-damaged Others). Future generations ..if there are any left.
Carrion: the lions eat first, the smaller species dine on the leftovers. So if homo-sap persists in its now-undereducated (ever underfunded to the masses), heading towards --> more of the same: carrion will be what the brutes dine on and ... forget fancy social theories that techno/science can ever save the unEducables from themselves, I wot.