Washington State Rep Matt Shea intends to fight for his beliefs. Here’s how:
Biblical Basis for WarSome background on this charmer here.
1. God is a Warrior.
2. When is the time for war? When God says its time...Prayer Council.
3. Fight to win so you don’t have to fight again.
4. 4 Things to stay within God’s will:
a. Holy Cause;
b. HolyLeader;
c. Holy Army; and
d. HolyCamp.
5. 4 Ways to know its time to fight:
a. God reveals His will to the leader;
b. LeaderinquiresofGod...PrayerCouncil;
c. God puts it on the hearts of the people; or
d. Godstartsthefight.
6. Things for a Holy Army
a. Sacrifice/Worship/Prayer;
b. Circumcision/Saved;
c. Vow (consecration to the Lord);
d. Trumpets/Ark;
e. Atonement/Money; and
f. Praise to God Before/During/After.
7. 5 Facts of War:
a. War is a fact of life.
b. GodiswithusandthebattleisHis.
c. Numbers are inconsequential.
d. Armamentsareinconsequential.
e. Isaiah 57:1 – Why Righteous Men are Killed...
8. 4 Qualifications of a Warrior:
a. 18 years old or older;
b. AblebodiedMan;
c. Single Minded in Battle; and
d. StableHome.
9. 5 Exemptions from Service:
a. Training Family – New Home;
b. Newlyweds–NewWife;
c. Farmer – New Crops;
d. Scared–FearMeansaLackofFaith(OffertoLeave);or
e. Priests – Duty to Ministry in Temple.
10. Rules of War
a. Conduct a census of all able bodied males (18-45).
i. Identify Exemptions (see above).
ii. Appoint Captains of 10’s, 50’s, 100’s and 1000’s.
b. Avoid bloodshed if possible.
c. Make an offer of Peace before declaring war.
i. Not a negotiation or compromise of righteousness.
ii. Must surrender on terms of justice and righteousness:
1. Stop all abortions;
2. No same-sexmarriage;
3. No idolatry or occultism;
4. No communism; and
5. Must obey Biblical law.
iii. If they yield – must pay share of work or taxes.
iv. If they do not yield – kill all males.
d. War is not waged against nations but against man (no scorched earth or Sherman’s march to the sea).
e. Cut down only non-food trees necessary for supplies (safeguard production over politics or retribution).
f. Do not attack or kill productive citizens. They are your base of support after the enemy is defeated.
g. Law of Booty
i. 1⁄2 went to those who fought.
ii. 1⁄2 went to those who didn’t.
iii. Divide evenly to the individuals...each gives tribute to Lord.
1. Tithe to Church & Ministry
2. None to Government – Removes temptation to fight.
3. May use your part to give to those who helped.
4. Commanders received the same portion. If a greater portion then they would have an incentive to fight.
11. Organizational Structure for War
a. Captains of 5/10/50/100/1000
i. 5 = Team Leader (Corporal)
ii. 10 = Squad Leader (Sergeant)
iii. 50 = Platoon Leader (Lieutenant/Sergeant First Class)
iv. 100 = Company Commander (Captain/First Sergeant)
v. 1000 = Battalion Commander (Colonel/Sergeant Major)
b. Small Standing Army (Quick Reaction & Shell Leadership).
c. Only Muster in War Time.
12. Biblically Dealing with Tyranny
a. Tyranny is never a divinely appointed means of government.
b. A tyrant is someone who rules without God.
c. Tyranny is not a lawful form of government.
d. “Godless civil rulers are no more than bands of robbers.” St. Aug.
e. When the rule of law dies as sin prevails throughout the land, tyranny is not far behind.
f. Book of Judges – Sin = Tyranny.
g. Deuteronomy 28:1 – Blessings for Obedience.
h. Deuteronomy28:15–CursesofDisobedience.
i. Judges 3 – The Lord will test you to see if you Obey Him.
j. No such thing as “rebelling against tyranny.” RESTORATION
k. Deuteronomy 4:34 – God brings His people out of tyranny.
i. God doesn’t use majorities. The majority is usually wrong.
ii. Hebrews 11:32 – Heroes of Faith that conquered tyrants.
l. Options:
i. Use of Deception
1. Not generally speaking only very specifically.
2. Avoiding being an accomplice to sin.
3. Do not owe the truth to someone who will abuse it.
ii. Avoidance
1. This does not mean cowardice.
2. Conflict with tyranny also is preventing wickedness from harming property, lives, family when you don’t have the strength or resources to overcome.
iii. Assassination & Sabotage
1. Assassination to remove tyrants is just, not murder.
2. 2 Chron.23:12 – Dietrich Bonhoeffer – Plot for Hitler.
iv. Armed Resistance & Guerilla War.
m. Considerations Before Beginning War – Prayer & Contemplation
i. Strength and Resources.
ii. Ability to go full-scale on a long-term basis to win.
iii. Not a temporary action based on emotion.
iv. Review the Declaration of Causes and Necessity.
v. Reasonable hope of winning, God is on your side. If not wait.
vi. Is God directing? Ex. 33:14-15, 2 Chronicles 7:14, Gamaliel.
vii. People are tired of tyranny & sin w/ hearts set on Freedom? OR People accustomed tyranny and don’t know who God is?
viii. Micah – Patriots who want to serve God not “libertine.”
13. Warrior Priests
a. Living Sacrifice.
b. Intercession through prayer and action.
c. Adam was told to tend and guard (“Abad & Shamar”).
d. Warrior=Guardianship.
e. 2 Chronicles 23:8-9 – Armed Guards & weapons in the tabernacle.
f. Prayer Humility, Wisdom, Courage, and Protection.
g. James 4:8 – Draw near to God and purge double mindedness.
h. James4:17–Not doing the right thing is sin.
i. Proverbs 21:31 – “Prepare your horse for battle, but the battle is the Lord’s.”
14. Freedom is in Jesus Christ.
Where the Spirit of God is, there is Liberty.