Post #4,258
8/8/01 3:59:21 PM

OK, I'll try again:
Discussion: Bush's faith-based scheme.
Your point: people scuttled some block-grants for education, apparently for reasons having to do with love of Federal burocracy. (I think there may have been other concerns as well, but let's leave that alone for now.)
My question: what's the connection?
My observation: there are some people, including religious people, who have strong objections to the plan that have nothing to do with love of Federal burocracy.
As far as my reading ability goes, my reading comprehension, as measured in both the SAT and ACT, back when the stadards were higher, is in the 99.5 percentile. If I don't get it, %99.5 of the college-bound population back when men were men, women were women, small furry animals were small furry animals, and stupid people skewed the scores by not taking the tests, isn't going to get it either.
White guys in suits know best - Pat McCurdy
Post #4,260
8/8/01 4:06:52 PM

ok...lets see...
...they object to the program...great...then they turn and call the Republicans heartless evil souls who care for noone...even though they've proposed things that could help...that just weren't agreed upon.
See the similarity in the 2 examples now?
I have no choice!
Post #4,266
8/8/01 4:31:23 PM

Who is this "they" you keep referencing?
And when did "they" call the Reps "heartless evil souls who care for noone"? And what the hell does this have to do with the merits (or lack thereof) of Bush's faith based initiative?
C'mon Beep, you're usually much better than this when knocking down straw men. Don't stoop to using them yourself.
"When it crosses my mind to do something, I don't ask why, I ask why not. And usually there's no reason not to, so I just go ahead. It's given me the strangest collection of hats"
Post #4,273
8/8/01 4:46:50 PM
8/8/01 4:49:27 PM

Ah...the innocent...
Well, lets see...we started with [link||this comment]. And how would that general impression make its way to the UK. Possibly press coverage in both paper and online places so oft cited here like [link||Salon].
Campaign trail Gore telling everyone that the Repo plan would keep the system charging more money to old people when he can get drugs for his dog cheaper.
Nah, it can't be possible that there would be an organization hell bent on opposition by misinformation and scare tactics.
I have no choice!

Edited by bepatient
Aug. 8, 2001, 04:49:27 PM EDT
Post #4,279
8/8/01 4:54:26 PM

Point taken
and conceded. It seems to happen often around here. The arguing from different sides that ends up drifting to the point that the protaganists (and I include myself) are now not only arguing different sides, they are arguing different points as well.
A meeting of the minds (to paraphrase M. Ghandi) would be a good idea.
"When it crosses my mind to do something, I don't ask why, I ask why not. And usually there's no reason not to, so I just go ahead. It's given me the strangest collection of hats"
Post #4,304
8/8/01 8:42:31 PM

bada bing!
I try and dont often succeed to think independantly but am hampered by the two sides democans and republicat who in twists best left on the fencing court swing around and around in a quest for talking points. thanx, bill
Our bureaucracy and our laws have turned the world into a clean, safe work camp. We are raising a nation of slaves. Chuck Palahniuk
Post #4,286
8/8/01 5:18:50 PM

No, I honestly don't
Unless it is just that there was disagreement in both cases and that the sides treated each other the way politicians usualy do.
White guys in suits know best - Pat McCurdy
Post #4,297
8/8/01 7:12:18 PM

No...its not "usual"...
...and there is where the fault lies...its the way in which one political side treats the other...and is generally not reciprocated.
And around here I expect to have noone recognize that its not really surprising that you don't see it.
I have no choice!
Post #4,370
8/9/01 11:46:16 AM

You are a victim of your times... for now
I saw Arthur M. Schlessinger speak one time at a University and he brought up an interesting point about American politics. The liberal viewpoint and the conservative viewpoint are like a pendulum that swings to the left or the right (liberal to conservative) and over again, about every 10-15 years - never reaching an equillibrium.
Popular thought (and dare I say "acceptable" thought) in the mid 80's revolved around the Churchill saying, "anyone with a heart under thiry years old is a liberal, anyone with a brain over thirty years old is a conservative". Notice that popular thinkspeak at that time was tilted to the right extreme... you are smart if you are conservative and "have heart" but aren't smart if you are liberal - this is not so different from modern thinkspeak like you can't be a "compassionate conservative", n'est ce pas? You, being an Economist, tend to look at things from a capitalist Economist's standpoint (I emphasize "capitalist"), that most things the private sector do are goooooood and most things the government does are baaaaad. Which from a strictly free enterprise capitalist's point of view is pretty true.
The problem lies in the fact that government IS necessary to curb runaway capitalism (i.e. Go to the Cuyahoga river and eat some fish caught there...) and they can sometimes be good. The heart and the head are both necessary for a person to survive.
I've heard Rush Limbaugh say things like "there is no such thing as a moderate Republican", "feminazi's", "tree huggers", etc... This kind of inflammatory crap thinking is quoted often and then is associated with "conservativism" (I think he says his show is the "center for conservative studies"). Perhaps foreign countries hear his program? If that is their definition of what an "American conservative" is, God help conservatives... Rush is no more a conservative than Bill Clinton is a liberal... but if noone challenges fools like Limbaugh and actually pay him hundreds of millions of dollars (yes, that's right, he signed a $125,000,000 20 year deal!!!), then they may deserve to be characterised as fools themselves...
I'm all over the map now, but you should take heart... a swing to the right is coming! If only I can endure another one... I'll try to enjoy the moment of equillibrium...
Just quite a few political thoughts,
"Putting the fun back into funatic"