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New A nice middle ground between real hot and no hot.
I found I had too many Fresno chilis (don't know why I bought so many) - so I bought more, and made this pickle. Very nice if I say so myself, and I do.

Pickled Fresno Chilis
New question, why torch them?
They have a local sale on hatch green chilies locally .78 cents a lb. Was thinking of buying a bunch, chopping them and freezing the results. A jar of pickled chilies may be nice as well.
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of the experts" – Richard Feynman
New Re: question, why torch them?
The skins are very tough compared to the flesh. I made some without torching them, and they tasted OK, but the skins seem sort of like plastic and significantly decrease the enjoyment of the product.

Spain is famous for its pickled red pimento peppers, and they always start the process by spreading them out on a cement slab and torching them so the skins can be removed.

I do a lot of cooking with peppers of various kinds, and never torch them for salads or other raw uses, but for stews, always. This is particularly important if the stew will be reheated.

I know of no cookbook that suggests using a torch. They give many other ways to remove the skins, but all those ways work about the same - they are a big hassle and barely work at all.

I consider a good torch, preferably map gas, to be a kitchen essential.
     A nice middle ground between real hot and no hot. - (Andrew Grygus) - (2)
         question, why torch them? - (boxley) - (1)
             Re: question, why torch them? - (Andrew Grygus)

Excuse me while I go throw up.
90 ms