- there developed a pattern of growth towards massive Corps, then their spread internationally -- complete with collaboration? synergy? raising the bias-level before *anyone Else could play* in increasing numbers of 'fields'. You are completely ignoring the effect of scale upon all the pious homilies od Econ theory - like the teechers of the MBAs - those who want to skip the process of 'life' and go directly to Rich. Do not pass Go, build anything - just get into the Land of Suits by lateral arabesque. I believe that is the ~ subliminal Ad by the schools.. in slightly different phraseology (?)

Commoditization of Everything may be the net result of this expansion.. with its myriad subtle and not-so subtle effects upon all facets of life: for individuals. It is a corollary also of homogenization = (Roger Price's little doggerel)

If everybody doesn't want it - Nobody gets it (One merely trivial facet: ever try to order both a Pepsi AND a Coke.. in lots of places?)

Your simple formula also elides the possibly most insidious effect of all:

Outright *purchase* of the Engine of government(s) - Everywhere (big enough to be a 'player'. Tell me that This is either incidental.. or unimportant in assessing 'Bizness 2000". Tell me about cross-pollination whereby one BODs members are on Other BODs and ... ruination of *One Company* gets you a CIEIO spot in the next. Tell me Adam Smith's take on Parachutes.

You are giving the Econ-school.. only pseudo-'Adam Smith' version: the one with the fantasy also: of "there being a 'Free Market'" yada yada.

Those who determine the boundary-conditions for a debate: determine the outcome. I don't accept your simplistic boundaries as being remotely large enough to view the Wasteleand we are living in (however surrounded by masses of diversionary junk which: many take to be 'wealth') And who imagine that with even More - they will be "Happy"; surely.. next!

Corporate prisons. Corporate Traffic Controllers (next on Bushie's agenda). Corporate *Medical nonCare* - consequences covered in Econ-101A?

Now as to the effect of bundling even (what passes for) health care into The Corp Package and THEN: methodically replacing as many employees as possible - with Temps!. Recall where that was covered in Econ-101? [either]

But Wait! there's more ...


Edit: typos