We condemn the Russians for interfering in our election by means of using Facebook and other social media in exactly the manner in which it was intended. Ask yourself if the Russian effort could have come close to the success it had were it not for our very own inventions and the halting ignorance of our people. I don't mean to in anyway imply that I condone that interference and I firmly believe that while not the exclusive reason for the disaster of Trump's victory it had an impact - an arguably decisive impact.
But leave us not forget to harshly condemn the teeming millions of toddling knuckle draggers addicted to social media in this country and the culture which makes billionaires of the likes of Mark "Lore" Zuckerberg (Lore was the evil twin android of Data in Star Trek if you're unfamiliar). If Facebook and Twitter weren't so pervasive and if the Murican Sheeple weren't so fucking daft as to spend inordinate amounts of time using social media and worse, believing anything they read on those platforms that conforms to their already existing biases and ignorance, the effect of "Russian hacking" would have been minimal if not non-existent. But we *are* that fucking stupid. And there's no fixing that kind of dumb.
But leave us not forget to harshly condemn the teeming millions of toddling knuckle draggers addicted to social media in this country and the culture which makes billionaires of the likes of Mark "Lore" Zuckerberg (Lore was the evil twin android of Data in Star Trek if you're unfamiliar). If Facebook and Twitter weren't so pervasive and if the Murican Sheeple weren't so fucking daft as to spend inordinate amounts of time using social media and worse, believing anything they read on those platforms that conforms to their already existing biases and ignorance, the effect of "Russian hacking" would have been minimal if not non-existent. But we *are* that fucking stupid. And there's no fixing that kind of dumb.