Post #423,441
4/24/18 3:21:48 PM
4/24/18 3:21:48 PM

Remember this?
Post #423,444
4/24/18 3:52:18 PM
4/24/18 3:52:18 PM

Post #423,445
4/24/18 4:35:30 PM
4/24/18 4:35:30 PM

Regards, -scott Welcome to Rivendell, Mr. Anderson.
Post #423,446
4/24/18 6:03:07 PM
4/24/18 6:03:07 PM

Apple has dropped another port?
Standard ZX-81 accessory :-)
Post #423,457
4/25/18 11:05:09 AM
4/25/18 11:05:09 AM

I briefly played around with a ZX-80 as a kid...
I have no recollection about an external modulator like that, but there must have been one.
It's funny the stuff we remember. :-)
Cheers, Scott.
Post #423,460
4/25/18 6:53:45 PM
4/25/18 6:53:45 PM

Over in Eurostan, even a B&W TV cost a small fortune (and was subject to TV license fees on top.) So having a device like that helped strike a balance between the PFY ZX operator and the adults who wanted to be able to use the TV as TV in the evening.
Post #423,462
4/25/18 9:47:33 PM
4/25/18 9:47:33 PM

D'Oh! It even says that on the label! Thanks. :-)
Post #423,463
4/25/18 9:58:37 PM
4/25/18 9:58:37 PM

ZX80 and ZX81 had it built in.
Post #423,447
4/24/18 8:34:18 PM
4/24/18 8:34:18 PM

Post #423,451
4/24/18 11:26:26 PM
4/24/18 11:26:26 PM

Before the TRS-80, and again with IBM color graphics adapter, yes!
"There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that "my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge."
-- Isaac Asimov
Post #423,452
4/25/18 1:51:55 AM
4/25/18 1:51:55 AM

It says "TV" on it. My TV broke down in '58 and hasn't been replaced, so devices that say "TV" on them have been irrelevant to me for pretty much my entire life.
That TV I mentioned, I found it in someone's trash, and it only worked (sort of) for a month or so.
Post #423,455
4/25/18 3:14:42 AM
4/25/18 3:14:42 AM

So glad I missed this..
I didn't consider a Trash-80, before plunging for an Osborne1 (S/N 0189 IIRC)
(Jeez, had I only switched to Animal Husbandry after the Osborne, I could have saved hundreds Thousands? of hours fighting Windoze etc. etc.) thus likely: today would have had many more useful neurons. (Unless I'd invested in Beanie Babies, say.) Oh well. I still have the WordStar synapses, at least: 58K was all ya needed to do Reel word things to a fare-thee-well.
Post #423,456
4/25/18 10:46:11 AM
4/25/18 10:46:11 AM

"Pictures are better then words because some words are big and hard to understand" Peter Griffin (Family Guy)