..well, there's 'lobotomy' too.
I mean; lobo==wolf. So then, curing your fervid brain-pan is akin to extirpation of your fine wolf-like Qualities?
I so confusicated.
But there's still work to do,
[G.O.P.] is what Repos used to call their Cosa-Nostra (a Division of Gerrymander LLC) Gerrrymander; let not a thing escape your Gerrymander.
They thought it meant 'Grand Old Party', but I have heard--across the decades--some (lovely) rather scabrous and deservedly insulting variants.
As Today's GOP heads for - - - >Who Knoze? should we try for an ept 2018-style Diss? for these conscienceless mo-fos
(before they just slink into the underbrush/their Congressional Retirement $$ following each to his/her oblivion.)
Narsty LRPeeDee disses moi! (via some diabolical contrivance of er, Admin, I wot)
This is all frightfully unimportant, but since when has that been a reason not to post?