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New Most reminiscent of something? seen
on a Tee Vee extrapolation perhaps, friend's rented movie?? Theme was the development of a device which permitted mostly-unDetectable sight/sound monitors to be emplaced anywhere / anywhen. (I tend to ignore the actors, title and much plot detail in these - unless there is very good character fleshing-out, such as might qualify for 'memorable'. How's that for an excuse re creeping senility? ;-)

Anyhow, and prior to reading above, if I do: of course the march of techno- IS now inexorable. Undisciplined by any entrepreneurial ersatz-thought experience besides, Can? we do thi$$$: it $hall be done. Look around.

Only for those at the forefront of constant daily 'security anti-techno' nostrums: might there be a small respite from a 10+billion crowded planet filled with Enquiring Minds Which (having no authentic life) Want to Know..


Am I close (to the plot) ?

New No, that was a book (SF). Should I try to find title+author?
New Hmmm.. possible that too.
Dunno how to Google on plot lines.. if you've got a sneaky method: please tell me what I read! (and didn't note much the author or title = so I know it wasn't PK Dick! or Vonnegut or ..)


Ashton.. (Who?)
     Book: The Transparent Society by David Brin. - (inthane-chan) - (3)
         Most reminiscent of something? seen - (Ashton) - (2)
             No, that was a book (SF). Should I try to find title+author? -NT - (CRConrad) - (1)
                 Hmmm.. possible that too. - (Ashton)

"It grew, as the sum of a lot of separate people's ad-hockery, most of those by people who had no idea what they were doing, and would gladly pound screws with a hammer all year long, for lack of acquaintance with the concept of screwdrivers." - Rick Moen
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