From [link||here]:
To get a good picture of the incredible expanding CEO-worker wage gap, imagine the Washington Monument. CEOs made 326 times the pay of factory workers in 1997 according to Business Week, a big jump from 1996, when they made 209 times as much. If the real 555-foot Washington Monument reflects the average 1997 CEO paycheck, then a scaled-down replica representing average worker pay would be only 21 inches tall.

It's shrinking fast. In 1996, it was 32 inches tall. In 1970, the Workers' Washington Monument was 13 feet, six inches tall -- reflecting a CEO-worker wage ratio of 41 to one.
I don't like thier example. But basically:
  • 1970 -- 41-1
  • 1996 -- 209-1
  • 1997 -- 326-1
And that is comparing them to factory workers, not farm labor.

Another set of [link||numbers].