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New Book: The Transparent Society by David Brin.
Nutshell: Brin argues (fairly successfully IMO) that we will have no privacy in our future, no matter what steps we take now. He suggests that we do have a choice in what kind of society our world will become - one where everybody has the right to snoop on everybody else, or a world where only the powerful have the right to snoop on each other and the little people, without fear of retribution.

I'm not going to reproduce the entire book, but if it wrankles your nose reading that former paragraph, and you haven't read the book, then go out and read it. If you've read it, and disagree with it, I'd like to hear why - he's got some fairly bulletproof reasoning behind his statements.
InThane - Now running Ashton rev 2.0
New Most reminiscent of something? seen
on a Tee Vee extrapolation perhaps, friend's rented movie?? Theme was the development of a device which permitted mostly-unDetectable sight/sound monitors to be emplaced anywhere / anywhen. (I tend to ignore the actors, title and much plot detail in these - unless there is very good character fleshing-out, such as might qualify for 'memorable'. How's that for an excuse re creeping senility? ;-)

Anyhow, and prior to reading above, if I do: of course the march of techno- IS now inexorable. Undisciplined by any entrepreneurial ersatz-thought experience besides, Can? we do thi$$$: it $hall be done. Look around.

Only for those at the forefront of constant daily 'security anti-techno' nostrums: might there be a small respite from a 10+billion crowded planet filled with Enquiring Minds Which (having no authentic life) Want to Know..


Am I close (to the plot) ?

New No, that was a book (SF). Should I try to find title+author?
New Hmmm.. possible that too.
Dunno how to Google on plot lines.. if you've got a sneaky method: please tell me what I read! (and didn't note much the author or title = so I know it wasn't PK Dick! or Vonnegut or ..)


Ashton.. (Who?)
     Book: The Transparent Society by David Brin. - (inthane-chan) - (3)
         Most reminiscent of something? seen - (Ashton) - (2)
             No, that was a book (SF). Should I try to find title+author? -NT - (CRConrad) - (1)
                 Hmmm.. possible that too. - (Ashton)

You are the antipost.
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