Envy your distance from this charnel house
..as the Rate-of-descent of "all-things-Bright-and-Beautiful" is daily accelerated by that Effect ... to be covered in an Opus, sure to be released in near future..
A Drumpfwork-Orange
..because this toxic-from-birth child/man, now as deadly as any of those colorful Alkaloids which poison so gleefully,
is behind every such occurrence these days: of anything execrable within the dis-US and in any elsewhere on which he affixes his dead-eyed gaze.
And, beside a handful: No Minion of this rump-"government" (in any of its hallow'ed Estates) has yet summoned the GUTS to get this lethal-Apparition Far-away-from all the levers
of the pewling, disgraced dis-US's obscene-Power-to-Maim any living thing around.
Its scent grows best in a carefully-tended Bed-of-Shit, like... well, you Know.