![]() -- Drew |
![]() "Free junior and senior college tuition for families earning under 125K per year." That isn't "pie in the sky" like she and her supporting cast of troglodytes maintain. It was what *I HAD* in 1977. If it's impossible now, in the richest country in the world, how in piss did the same country pull it off in 1977? Hell, his position on that is a compromise FFS. There was no cap on family incomes back when I took advantage of free tuition. You know *why* she said that's "pie in the sky"? Because unlike 1977, her criminal friends on Wall Street make BILLIONS of dollars lending money to students and by damn, she's not going to lift a finger to take that away. Not when she gets 225K/hour to talk to her criminal pals, she isn't. She needs to GO THE FUCK AWAY before she destroys what's left of the Democratic Party. This book doesn't help. Quoting moronic Facebook posts does not help. Embracing the Democratic Party's principles that made the Democratic Party great will help. For clarity, that'd be the principles of the Democratic Party she and her husband damaged severely or destroyed outright. bcnu, Mikem It's mourning in America again. |
![]() She's not running for anything. Calm down. ;-) You might want to consider that things are very different now than they were when you (or I) were in College. Martin works for one of the University systems in California: Martin says: So what does Bernie do to address the all-too-real problem that Martin brings up? As usual, Bernie had a good slogan, but he has no understanding of how the world actually works so what he says he wants can never happen the way he says it must. So he plays Purity Man and snipes from the sidelines when nobody whose support he needs joins him. FWIW. Cheers, Scott. |
![]() Delta 1: Top Income Tax Rate 1977 Married Filing Jointly: 70.0% over 203,200 2013 Married Filing Jointly: 39.6% over 440,876 https://taxfoundation.org/us-federal-individual-income-tax-rates-history-1913-2013-nominal-and-inflation-adjusted-brackets/ Delta 2: John Sperling opens University of Phoenix in 1976 Percentage of students in for-profit universities Early 1970's: 0.2% 2012: 12% http://americanradioworks.publicradio.org/features/tomorrows-college/phoenix/history-of-for-profit-higher-education.html Delta 3: Unions destroyed. No unions = free reign on wage savagery. Combined with "for-profit" education and the shareholders who must be paid, we get the below. ![]() We don't fix any of that crap "incrementally." bcnu, Mikem It's mourning in America again. |
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![]() Borrowers will be able to refinance loans at current rates, providing debt relief to an estimated 25 million people. They’ll never have to pay back more than 10 percent of their income, and all remaining college debt will be forgiven after 20 years. Continue to pay the banksters, IOW. bcnu, Mikem It's mourning in America again. |
![]() I'm warning (again) that resurrecting Hillary from the dustbin of history and continuing to parrot her self-serving, "I would have won PA, WI, OH and MI had it not been for that bastard Bernie, his misogynistic supporters and all the permanent damage he did to me" is doing nothing other than recreating the type of divisiveness in the Democratic Party that gave us Drumpf the first time. Proceed at your own (and my and everyone else's) peril. If we learned anything from 2016, it should be that the people who are naturally Democrats will not support a status quo apologist for Wall Street anymore. Those kind have no winning message and we should send them all (her included) into the woods to live out their days in the largess they "earned" from their contributions to the welfare of the residents of Manhattan. bcnu, Mikem It's mourning in America again. |
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![]() Plus, it's well past time for the Democratic Party to move back to the Left from the Clinton/Obama era. She doesn't have anything of consequence to say. bcnu, Mikem It's mourning in America again. |
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![]() bcnu, Mikem It's mourning in America again. |
![]() Trump is the enemy. The next election is in about 61 days. How is beating up on Hillary (still) helping to defeat the Teabaggers this November? Priorities, man! ;-) Cheers, Scott. |
![]() Agreed on the enemy, though. ;0) bcnu, Mikem It's mourning in America again. |
![]() What should she do to make you happy? If she's such a Corrupt™ Lying Liar then there really isn't anything she could do, is there? >;-p Trump's destroying the country, the national government, and literally risking the lives of millions of people here and all over the world, and you're spending days yelling about a memoir she wrote. :-/ Yes, we agree Trump is the enemy. I (seriously) wish we agreed more on effective ways to fight him. You'll never convince me that beating up on Hillary and the DNC is the way forward. But, we've been through that before too... Cheers, Scott. |
![]() She could go quietly into that good night. How is re-hashing the 2016 debacle in a light most positive for her going to help us defeat Trump? To the extent that you and I can find common ground over the 2016 election, I believe we'd agree that for the general, the Democratic Party was split, that there was far too much rancor between the supporters of the two running for the Democratic nomination and that rancor carried into the general and caused a catastrophe to occur. We know all that. There is no good to be gained from reliving it and I say if Hillary really wanted to help the next Democratic candidate defeat Trump, she wouldn't rekindle that rancor among the Democratic troops by making statements in a memoir like, "I don't know if it bothered Bernie or not ...", "Some of his supporters, the so-called Bernie Bros [note: a fiction invented by her campaign], took to harassing my supporters online. It got ugly and more than a little sexist", "...his attacks caused lasting damage, making it harder to unify progressives in the general election and paving the way for Trump's 'Crooked Hillary' campaign." How does that help re-unify the Democratic Party? It doesn't. The continued vilification of nearly 1/2 of all Democratic Party primary voters is not a winning strategy to defeat Trump. Rather than continue to attempt to divide the Democratic Party, she should just STFU. She is, after all, the one that lost to Trump in the first place. bcnu, Mikem It's mourning in America again. |
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![]() bcnu, Mikem It's mourning in America again. |
![]() "Science is the belief in the ignorance of the experts" – Richard Feynman |
![]() Linking the Washington Times *AND* the Sun? I thought better of you. bcnu, Mikem It's mourning in America again. |
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![]() by invoking My Gramma's name in their records, say. They might even send along their most popular welcoming gift: the decorative hand-crafted small-Urn of Hemlock. (A handy sprinkle ..on cocktails of unBelievers, met en passant :-) Perhaps that will complete your Major-sources library? ('less'n you already Gots that.) er, ;^> |
![]() altho shroom identification is a little harder "Science is the belief in the ignorance of the experts" – Richard Feynman |
![]() Yeah, sure, charisma gets politicians elected... Exactly the kind of politicians you later find out you shouldn't have elected. Maybe charisma is a trait that goes hand-in-hand with wanting to get to power, as in that old saying most often ascribed to... Ben Franklin, I guess. (What, me stirring up old news? Yeah, can't recall if I watched the video back then; gone now, anyway.) -- Christian R. Conrad The Man Who Apparently Still Knows Fucking Everything Mail: Same username as at the top left of this post, at iki.fi |
![]() At least as part of a political system. |
![]() "Any man who desires the office of President...", or however it went. Maybe that desire is correlated with what we call "charisma"; maybe what people sense is the... "drive", or whatchamacallit? Definitey, of course, correlated with the kind of fake "charisma" that is intentionally acquired and rehearsed for that exact purpose. And if the desire is half-subconscious, how often does that (semi-?)fake "charisma" come off as genuine even to us who consider ourselves world-wise cynics who of course easily see through shit like that? Maybe more often than we'd like to think... -- Christian R. Conrad The Man Who Apparently Still Knows Fucking Everything Mail: Same username as at the top left of this post, at iki.fi |
![]() The whole point of the President of the Galaxy in The HitchHiker's Guide To The Galaxy was to be a flamboyant figurehead with no power. He explicitly said so in the text. Several times. Terry Pratchett also explored it in various ways in his Discworld novels, although much less obviously. Wade. |