(re. the Death of privacy) ... and China didn't even need a worm-hole McGuffin! (though that was about across-Time imaginations..)
At least the few folks quoted in above, seem to LIke the Security ... ka-boom .. tish.

How appropriate too, it's ~~ birthplace of that Curse, now a meme
May you live in Interesting times (well ... we Think it came from there.)

So glad I'm not possessed of that Eternal. Life.™ [..on *this* Planet !?] wet-dream :-)
But it's been sorta Fun, all-along imagining: that those ideas/Ideals we liked to think we Aimed-->for
--like Freedom, Civility, Truth, Honesty and other feel-good [Referents]
--could survive the pressures of exponential over-population.. as creeps up just like the boiling-the-frog? (wrong) koan.

Still, as [Dickens] Mr. Micawber [/Dickens] was wont to say, "Something will turn up.."