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New Ellen Ullman on npr/Sci. Fri just now


Ellen Ullman Reflects on Her 'Life in Code' and the Early Days of Silicon Valley

Ellen Ullman began working as a computer programmer in the late 1970s, when Microsoft was just a fledgling company and Googling something wasn't even possible. Ullman fell in love with translating the chaos and complexity of life into clean and organized lines of code. But Ullman says she also dealt with male colleagues who doubted her skills and a boss who said, "I hate to hire all you girls but you're too damned smart." In her memoir, "Life in Code: A Personal History in Technology," Ullman reflects on the artfulness of coding, how the tech sector has changed San Francisco and how today's work culture differs from that of the 1970s.

Lots of angles on the arrogant- anti-female, anti-minority Silly Valley mindset du jour (and previous)
Also a 'grate' few sentences re Grace Hopper:
FIRST 'modern' compiler! (w/o which all the Nerds would have been stillborn? not her quip, but ..y'know?

(I sympathize.. on my Watch the Lab became less antediluvian over the years.. even Sci-folk Can learn, we saw..)
Sometimes the sharpest knife in the drawer has ..red fingernails?

: Otpy
Expand Edited by Ashton Aug. 11, 2017, 03:55:11 PM EDT
New Pretty good book
>>> Sometimes the sharpest knife in the drawer has ..red fingernails?

Read this back in the 70's. Still applies!

From the preface:

" An iconoclast, Montagu wielded his encyclopedic knowledge of physical anthropology in critique of the conventional wisdom of women as the 'weaker sex,' showing how women's biological, genetic, and physical makeup made her not only man's equal, but his superior. Also a humanist, Montagu points to the emotional and social qualities typically ascribed to and devalued in women as being key to just social life and relationships. "

New Seminal date-of-Pub, that.
Don't know if my S.O. had that on her list (?) and in those days [pre-Alt-Facts] I suspect that his rational analysis would have yielded a few bitchin Factoids.

(I learned of 'Zyklon B' and its fine quip from her, natch ~~ that time.) This long-unFaced Matter seems to limn Teddy Roosevelt's (Universal?) mentioned deduction:
Americans learn only from catastrophe, never from experience.

Welcome to our sorry-little (but never-really "Sorry we did that!") US-ian Tribal mix.
     Ellen Ullman on npr/Sci. Fri just now - (Ashton) - (2)
         Pretty good book - (dmcarls) - (1)
             Seminal date-of-Pub, that. - (Ashton)

You tread upon my patience.
31 ms