Post #419,473
8/5/17 2:21:28 AM
8/5/17 2:29:50 AM

What? Now?
This stuff has been known for more than a decade.
Drug companies have become quite cynical after losing so many millions on new products based on "unverifiable" (read "bogus") research.
Post #419,475
8/5/17 2:40:55 AM
8/5/17 2:40:55 AM

Maybe, but with 1.5 "PhDs" in U.S. Congress ... 'knowledge' doesn't count for much
"when your job requires not-knowing (all those things that..)"
Post #419,477
8/5/17 2:33:11 PM
8/5/17 2:33:11 PM

politics is like religion, you dont need a phd to learn how to fill your collection plate
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of the experts" – Richard Feynman
Post #419,481
8/5/17 8:51:57 PM
8/5/17 8:51:57 PM

('twas a predictable Freebie for you, natch.) Omitted corollary remains, though:
From [somewhere] "9/10 of Chinese 'Leadership' gots a PhD" {in Something.} ie.
One country values scholarship aka a demonstrated ability to Think ... to some purpose. Another one is anti-"Intellectual"--from cradle-to-grave--via Tribal design, apparently.
Carrion Even rotted-brains provide nutrients for other creatures. When ripe-enough.
Post #419,507
8/7/17 8:15:37 AM
8/7/17 8:15:37 AM

That is why I've never been happier than when I was in grad school.
Academia is the *only* place in this country where intellect is not scorned and advancement is based upon merit.
bcnu, Mikem
It's mourning in America again.
Post #419,512
8/7/17 12:06:20 PM
8/7/17 12:06:20 PM

Depends on the field, the group, the gender, etc., etc. :-/
Post #419,519
8/7/17 6:21:17 PM
8/7/17 6:21:17 PM

.. as does ~~ Everything a Homo-sap/or Group ...has yet 'institutionalized', right?
Post #419,527
8/7/17 8:25:10 PM
8/7/17 8:25:10 PM

My favorite comment on academia
“Academic disputes are so vicious precisely because the stakes are so small.”
(variously worded and variously attributed)
Post #420,197
9/7/17 4:23:58 PM
9/7/17 4:23:58 PM

..but, sub-rosa: its undertow supports ... the Std. Murican anti-intellect mindset, du any jour.