My dad had one of these:

I borrowed it one day to go to work. The route home included a stretch of brand-new freeway - four lanes, fresh concrete, well-lit, no traffic. It came on boost at 50 in 5th gear and started pulling like a freight train. When I finally looked down to see the speed I couldn't find the needle. It was buried all the way to the right. I suspect they marked the gauge lower than the top speed to avoid the hand-wringing from busybodies.
And now that I've looked up the measured top speed, and pictures of the instrument cluster, I see that I'm mis-remembering just a bit. But that needle was further right than where I was looking.

I borrowed it one day to go to work. The route home included a stretch of brand-new freeway - four lanes, fresh concrete, well-lit, no traffic. It came on boost at 50 in 5th gear and started pulling like a freight train. When I finally looked down to see the speed I couldn't find the needle. It was buried all the way to the right. I suspect they marked the gauge lower than the top speed to avoid the hand-wringing from busybodies.
And now that I've looked up the measured top speed, and pictures of the instrument cluster, I see that I'm mis-remembering just a bit. But that needle was further right than where I was looking.