The only thing correct about that article concerned income inequality. Luttwak is an idiot.
We will see indeed. I agree (and that will be no surprise to the regulars) that the Democratic Party as a whole and their nominee in particular played with fire and got burnt by ignoring income inequality in 2016. But his analysis that income inequality is due to deregulation is as laughable as his 1983 statement that the Soviet invasion into Afghanistan was a success. Similarly, his premonition that Drumpf will be re-elected in 2020 and be followed by an Ivanka Trump Presidency demonstrates the same "insight and wisdom" his theory, just before the Berlin Wall fell, that glasnost and perestroika combined with the Red Army would further empower the Soviet Union.
I take some heart in the knowledge that a laughably inaccurate predictor of future events like Luttwak is anticipating a Drumpf 2020 victory.
But, thanks for the link, I'd almost forgotten about Luttwak.
It's mourning in America again.