Seems we’re at … [Perceived-by each!] “Basic” loggerheads where: {Spy -vs- Spy? cf. MAD mag/many issues} “Posited Aims to Cure Murica” (say,) diverge ^v amongst the Lot-of-Us.
[Let us Not-recreate the massive-exchanges re “Snowden”] and our quite varied attitudes re. each’s-In-duh-vid-ual attitude towards (say?) any Idea of worshipping! some dreamlike version of The dis-U.S.Constitution … ‘K?
[cf. the lengthy Snowden thread here, in June ’16 + CRC’s re-Visitation in 6/’17. If needed.] Because: those exchanges indicate what various here Really Think about living in the dis-US AS IT IS NOW.
In the algebra of “making any plan”, there seems an unarguable progression:
[PLAN] … refer-to-one; Make one; OK: set out minimal ingredients for creating same
[STRATEGY] How (best) implement PLAN? (in present ZEITGEIST == implicit.)
[TACTICS] Nuts & bolts of strategy: from Obvious -to- Arcane.. etc.
Anybody gots an actual PLAN? for
A) Speediest retirement of the entire Drumpf + Billionaire Boys’ Club perps S.A.P.
B) Restoring some gumption to the Controlling-$rich-D.N.C. so as to create an environment for:
The Next Demo candidate(s) having learned the Lessons of the Hillary-clusterfuck, now solidly-in Everyone’s hippocampus, for Good (or Evul?)
That’s all I want; easy-peasy, huh? ;^>
[Let us Not-recreate the massive-exchanges re “Snowden”] and our quite varied attitudes re. each’s-In-duh-vid-ual attitude towards (say?) any Idea of worshipping! some dreamlike version of The dis-U.S.Constitution … ‘K?
[cf. the lengthy Snowden thread here, in June ’16 + CRC’s re-Visitation in 6/’17. If needed.] Because: those exchanges indicate what various here Really Think about living in the dis-US AS IT IS NOW.
In the algebra of “making any plan”, there seems an unarguable progression:
[PLAN] … refer-to-one; Make one; OK: set out minimal ingredients for creating same
[STRATEGY] How (best) implement PLAN? (in present ZEITGEIST == implicit.)
[TACTICS] Nuts & bolts of strategy: from Obvious -to- Arcane.. etc.
Anybody gots an actual PLAN? for
A) Speediest retirement of the entire Drumpf + Billionaire Boys’ Club perps S.A.P.
B) Restoring some gumption to the Controlling-$rich-D.N.C. so as to create an environment for:
The Next Demo candidate(s) having learned the Lessons of the Hillary-clusterfuck, now solidly-in Everyone’s hippocampus, for Good (or Evul?)
That’s all I want; easy-peasy, huh? ;^>